War & Betrayal

Day 1,499, 22:53 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut II

Well, despite the fact that I had a much more positive article ready to be published today, and the fact that I just arrived in New Hampshire today to start my job, I now have even more nonsense to deal with. I logged back on today and to my great annoyance, two things happened today. Firstly, the Party President of the AMP sent a very disingenuous message to our party members in order to manipulate them in to joining his party. Certain party elders in the AMP have assured me that they do not think highly of his leadership and he will not be returning as Party President, but his actions are seen by me, and anyone else with common sense, as a declaration of war by the AMP on our party. I have done nothing but try to reach out and be nice to these people, and some of them just don't seem to want to play nice, so now I must waste my time fighting back at them. How much do you want to bet he didn't do this to Pfeiffer's USWP zombies?

Now, I must address the other lovely gem that I discovered upon logging back on. Someone who I had an extended history with stuck a dagger in my back and the back of our party. I had made the mistake of using resources on someone who did not deserve to be trusted. Today, jkli5 violated the trust and support given to him by the NCP and its members and hightailed it for the Revolutionary Party. He even suggested that he ran and lobbied me for support so he could keep other candidates of ours from becoming elected. This is absolutely despicable. If there is one thing that all decent people should be able to agree on, it is that deception and lying are qualities void of honor and absolutely disgraceful.

Pizza The Hut II
NCP Party President
General of the Armies ******
American Eagle Division
EDEN-TERRA Unified Command

"Cleveland Fleman to (Insert Party Member) | 2 hours ago"

"Hello (Insert Party Member),

It is very unfortunate that I have to message you to tell you about the wrong doings of your party president. Pizza the Hut II is using you and your party to hamper the United States’s fighting forces and try to manipulate people so he can strengthen his political power. Right now as we speak, Pizza the Hut II, or formerly known as Pizza the Hut, is using Congress members to propose laws that will limit the funding our brave courageous soldiers need. We are fighting an uphill battle in Europe trying to ensure our allies continue to survive. We need every able soldier feed and equipped with the best food and weapons so they can continue to fight. To many people’s disapproval, Pizza the Hut II has threatened the US administration and our Military Units with congressional proposals that could do real harm to the US and our allies.

I plead with you to not allow this to continue. I have spoken with him in the past, and he is not an individual that takes advice respectfully. If you can, tell him to stop harming the United States and our soldiers. To prevent him from continuing his political carnage, I ask you to resign as member of the NCP. If you do resign, the American Military Party will welcome you into the party and I wish that you join #AMP and discuss with us the harm Pizza the Hut II will do if he continues.

Party President of the American Military Party
Cleveland Fleman"