Wanted - Understudy/Partner In Crime

Day 490, 20:22 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch

The more and more I dive into this game the more and more it kills my spirit. Preparing 5 weapon companies, writing a Constitution, running for Congress, renting Houses to 10+ people, maintaining contracts, putting out articles, and that's just my eLife. I'm in serious need of partner or I may just snap one of these days. I know that there are many people who probably do more than I, and I really don't know how they can handle it.

- The Job Description -

I really need someone to take my place in the case that I'm ever gone. Ha, conceited much? But seriously... Should you decide to take this position you'll be expected to run companies, update Google Docs, post contracts, advertise, and anything else that I do that doesn't require much thought. It's really just the monotonous tasks that any average player could handle. Don't look at this as "bitch" job, but more as "Partner in Crime" as the title states.

- The Benefits -

So, what are you going to get for this? Well, along with one day inheriting everything I own, that's about it.

- The Requirements -

Well, if I knew you that would be great, but if I don't, here's what I'm looking for. Played for at least a few months, prove that you know basic English and use an occasional multi-syllable word, have a personality, and you can't be a douche bag. That last requirement is an absolute must.

- Pretty Lame, Huh? -

I honestly think this is a pretty queer idea. All ideas sounds a little weird at first, but this one is up there. Oh well, if you want to flame this then go ahead, but you'll be missing out on quite a bit.