Want a fresh start in politics or are simply new to the political game?

Day 624, 20:48 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag

Are you new to politics and don’t know where to turn, or are you a veteran of the senate and are looking for a new perspective. Then I say, come and have at look at what the True Blue Party can offer you.

TBP is a party unlike others, where people come together as a team rather then a mixture of like minded people. In TBP we accept that everyone is a bit different and we embrace these thoughts and ideals to try and make your time in eRep as fun as it can be while remaining a serious political party at the same time.

People may not be aware of the TBP’s brief history, but it rose from the ashes of the now defunct AAA, and had a meteoric rise in terms of numbers and senators. After such a rapid rise in numbers, there is always going to be a plateau period. But TBP has passed that with flying colours and
is again lookng forward to waving its colours proudly as it makes strides into becoming a major political power.

So if you like mateship, good natured banter and a bit of seriousness when needed. Then perhaps you should swing by TBP and have a look for yourself. Its never too late to say. I want a new challenge, I want a new start, I want what TBP can offer me.

Come join us to see what we can offer you.

by Santic - TBP PR Team

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