Walther for President

Day 1,050, 12:36 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by SNP SO

Our resons to vote for the SNP and for Walther

However, this being an even-numbered year, political junkies have their own reasons to eagerly anticipate the fall season: the political sign wars and the constant barrage of Advert campaign, Spamming Articels and the endless chatter about the outcomes of the Oktober elections.

In Switzerland, this year’s elections stand to be an interesting time with so many key leadership positions in play. In just a couple of short months we will have a new governor as well as new leaders in virtually every key legislative position—juxtaposed to historic economic upheaval, this stands to be a very important election for the future of our state.

Our reasons to vote for Walther and the SNP:

It is your civic duty.

Switzerland is in need of transformational change. Switzerland´s transformation must begin with our newly elected leaders.

Over 90 percent of the legislators will have fewer than two years of experience. It is incumbent upon us to elect the best and brightest to fill the leadership void.
Switzerland’s tax structure is ranked as one of the worst from a competitive business perspective. Only the new governor and new Legislature can change it.

Switzerland needs a new direction on economic development This is not the same as our old hunting activity that picks winners and losers and places the tax burden on our local companies to the benefit of outside companies.

Switzerland has 66% congressional seats in play that may determine the control of Congress.

While many politicians give lip service to how they “support” small business, this election is our opportunity to hold them accountable to a pro-small business agenda.

The world is run by those who show up; it is time for small businesses to show up at the polls.

and btw: Pinguins are not intelligent like humans

