Wallyboy444's Congress Manifesto

Day 487, 13:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by wallyboy444

Wallyboy444’s manifesto

Citizens of the South East, in the upcoming congress elections, I will be running as a candidate. I have been in the South East for a while now, and the members of previous congresses have done fantastically well in what they have done. I would first like to congratulate them.
On to the business of running, I would like to state that I am running for The Unity Party better known as TUP. Recently Iain Keers, the current party leader; has written out party policies on near enough everything below in bold is this policy, I will hopefully explain why this will be good and how it will affect our region.

Information policy

The Unity Party believes in the freedom of information. We support the release of sensitive materials after they are judged to be safe information. However, transparent governance goes beyond all of that.

Transparent government means publishing information about how the ministries work, and about who is involved. For this reason, we support a new proposal called 'A day in the life of...'

This proposal would publish weekly reports on a day in the life of the Minister of _____. This would show non-involved players what kind of work goes into the Ministry in a form that most people could easily understand. The articles can be thought of as either a press release or public relations. Although some Ministers publish informative articles already, this is not the norm. Ministries such as the Ministry of Work are mysteries to most citizens, and this would allow them to see the hard work that often goes on behind the scenes. It would also show new members that the forums are more than just ‘banter’; they are the basis of power in the United Kingdom.

Atlantis is another black hole in public understanding. The Unity Party supports a more open relationship with Atlantis, to try and bring it back to the people it supposedly protects. Updates should not merely be about war, they should be about how people around the world feel about the UK, and our role in world politics. By having more open communication with our allies we can develop a sense of kinship with them that currently doesn't exist.

Basically this policy would help put together a picture of more experienced players lives, What does the minister of work do? If set up this “A day in the life of…” will give out the information to users out there who don’t have a clue and perhaps encourage people in the South East to step forward and get yourself more involved.
My opinion of ATLANTIS is not a very good one, and at the moment I believe that it is doing more good than bad, however Shadow and Hassan, two very experienced players have taken over control of the organisation, hopefully this will lead to more information being released by ATLANTIS discussing not only war but what it wants to achieve, what its policies are etc. Hopefully this will be able to educate members about ATLANTIS and promote it rather than sustain the bad reputation it has at the moment.

NHS policy

The Unity Party supports the functioning of the NHS. We believe all NHS directors must be forum active, and available at least once a day to perform their duties.

We believe that there should be a rationing of gifting based upon wellness level and upon current experience. Low wellness low experience players should have priority, followed by low wellness high experience and medium wellness low experience players.

We also believe in public scrutiny of government expenditure. Which is why we believe the Ministry of Health should publish budgets for each region, along with expenditure for each region. Budgets will be proposed by Clinics based upon expected minimum costs of providing healthcare to each region. Once all budgets are in they shall be subject to revision by the Health Committee. The Health Committee shall consist of the Minister of Finance and four congressmen. Budgets will be submitted on the 20th of each month, and will be approved by the 25th of each month. The purpose of this is to ensure that proper allocation of funds to each area is accomplished and that the Ministry of Health does not spend excessively to the detriment of other ministries.

In terms of clinics, each clinic shall only gift active citizens. Each clinic will do its utmost to advertise its services, but will only gift those who ask for it directly. If this occurs, the member will be placed on a list of patients, and depending upon priority (high, medium, low) will be gifted 10, 5 or 2 wellness per request. Requests may be made no more than once a week. This will hopefully increase activity as well as reduce spending. To try and increase forum activity, the Clinic should respond to each request for gifting with both gifts and a link to the forums.

In addition, an RRP must be attached to gifts. This means that should the price of gifts on the market be above RRP then the clinic must not buy them. This will hopefully end the cronyism, which surrounds the gifting industry.

This policy is possibly one of the most important in my opinion, the NHS and its work is very important, no wellness = death, the NHS works to stop deaths. However I believe that it all connects back to forum activity, the NHS is not an in game programme and is set up on the forums, this means that you have to be FORUM ACTIVE! It is imperative that you are online on the forums; the forums bring about sooooooooooo much that is unavailable in game. That is why if I do get elected I will be setting up a recruitment drive for the forums in our region, for all new and old players who are still not on the forums! I will also be forwarding everyone who is not already on the NHS clinics list in the South East. (in no way critising the NHS here, I think they are doing a fantastic job and should be comended for their efforts)

Foreign policy

The Unity Party believes that foreign policy is not all about alliances. The future of the globe is not just won on the battlefields of Asia or Europe; it is built by nations at the debating table.

The Unity Party proposes and supports a new scheme, which will be called the Trustee Scheme. The Trustee Scheme (TS) recognises that every nation is part of the global community, and as the most highly centralised and organised country in the Western hemisphere it is our duty to reach out to fledgling states and help them. By helping small states now, we help build future allies.

The TS would be based around a team of advisors who would work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Led by the Under Minister, the team of apprentices would be involved in advising countries on issues such as how to encourage forum activity, how to implement tax policy, how to encourage new businesses and so on. In exchange the country in question would MPP with the UK, sign a mutual trade act that would involve rebates to UK companies and agree not to join PEACE.

This is a policy I have thought long and hard about, I think it would be wise to promote ATLANTIS or the ESA to these fledgling countries also. What would this do to benefit you exactly? Well you could become an advisor and work with the Ministry of Foreign affairs. MPP’s could allow us to involve ourselves in war also, there are many benefits of having a TS as it can improve our relations with other countries.

Wellness fast programme

I think we should roll out a Wellness Fast Programme.
Basically, members with fewer than 40+ health pay us a flat £18 or so. We send them two moving tickets. Then they fly out to a war zone, get 40 wellness (destination and instructions will be included) and then fly back. It's a cheap way to improve productivity and our member’s health.

This a fairly reasonable thing to do in my opinion, but to honest I would like to hear the people of the South east tell me their opinion on this one. Would you support such programme?

Military Policy

The Unity Party believes in a strong military, which can be an extension of our political power oversees. We believe in funding our military to take part in training exercises organised around the world, to increase our defence capabilities. We also believe in opposing PEACE imperialist aggression.

To this end, we believe in a rotating training schedule, to ensure that all troops receive the training that they deserve. The armed forces currently run themselves almost independently. We have no problem with this situation, however we believe that there needs to be more aggressive advertising for troops to join the armed forces. Many citizens have to search for information about the armed forces to find out how to join. We should be pushing the citizenry to register through increased newspaper activity with links to recruitment threads on the forums.

Are you in the army? Do you know how to join the army? If not then why not? It is because there is not enough advertising for the army, hopefully this will give information to the people and tell them how to join the army, and this means a bigger military force which could possibly mean more wars, which means more experience for you guys. What does this mean for you? Joining the army gives you more reason to sit on the forums and socialise with others, I am currently a Sergeant in the Royal Guard and the experience is great.

Work Policy

We believe that work policy is very closely related to all other aspects of public services. For this reason, we believe that in addition to the already Stirling job done by the Ministry for Work, we should use the Ministry as a tool to recruit new members to the forums, and to advise them about wellness provision and how to keep wellness high. We therefore propose that the Ministry messages new workers that sign up to skill 0 and skill 1 jobs, advising them on these issues. The advisory message would contain the following:

*A link to the forums
*Instructions to work every day to increase skill, and therefore wages
*An explanation of how to add the local NHS clinic
*A list of congressmen of the UK, as a point of contact

Hopefully this will do more to integrate citizens as soon as they sign up, bringing them immediately to the forums.

I personally had to find friends on erepublik to find out where to go, Squiddy was my mentor. However this matter could be resolved easily if it was simply advertised as you joined, I sat for a month without knowing anything about anything and I paid the price, I almost died during the invasion of France and that is because I had no instruction on what to do. This policy would allow new players to immediately get involved more in game and stop circumstances like mine occurring.

Tax Policy

The UK has suffered from having a strong public sector without the necessary taxation to support it. The Unity Party believes in progressive taxation to support public and private sector industries. Weapons and Gifts are two industries, which rely heavily on the government as a main customer. Current income taxes stand at 10% for all industries. It is our view that by raising taxes to 18% we can raise the money to fund our NHS and our military. This will not have an effect on businesses, as costs can be passed directly onto the consumer. This means that citizens will have public services they can rely on.

In addition, the raised taxes will support the ailing gifts and weapons industries, which have been suffering as of late. More money in the economy will also encourage new businesses, which in turn will mean increased income for the government. Although tax raises are often unpopular, we have to take the long view, and build a Britain, which will do more than lurch from one economic crisis to another. We should never arrive at a situation where the NHS is shut down completely ever again, and for this reason we need to establish a taxation policy that builds our reserves, not just maintains them.

We will also begin to look into doing more deals with smaller economies, to provide them with mass produced cheap goods in exchange for raw materials. This policy allows us to develop a more free global market and goes hand-in-hand with our tax reforms by increasing the market and reducing saturation.

Taxation is always something people complain about, however this should not be looked on as a bad thing at all; at the moment the eUK is suffering a depression if you will, a stage of economic crisis, and this is the answer to the problem, the reason the NHS was failing was because we were not paying for its service. The NHS in real life is supplied by taxation on the tax payer, if you pay, you get a free health service, at the time being we are not paying and getting free health service, this should not be the case, yes it will increase prices of things but not so significantly that we run out of money, this will allow the NHS to function correctly. What does this mean for this region? It means the NHS will be back up and running, and no more citizens may suffer from lack of wellness.

Alliance Policy

The United Kingdom is a member of ATLANTIS, and due to many restraints - from geographic to economic - leaving the alliance at this point is neither practical nor desirable. However, there are some aspects of the alliance that we disagree with. Political takeovers, imperialist aggression for the sake of resources and the use of military force against countries based on the mistakes of past rulers are all things that we do not agree with as a party. We believe that is there is a way to mitigate the effects of these actions whilst maintaining our current position then we must take it.

For that reason, we propose that the UK support the new European Social Alliance. It contains within it the seeds of an organisation, which can mitigate the affects of the negative side of Atlantis mentioned above, without removing the part of Atlantis we agree with - mutual defence. In the event that France or Italy invade one of our allies then we shall fight them without remorse. But otherwise, we see no reason why we should not oppose the invasion, political takeover, or other untoward aggression towards otherwise peaceful nations.

I support the idea behind joining the ESA, it would be practical as it would increase trade and would make sense as ATLANTIS’ reputation has gone down the drain, its key members turning to imperialism to gain what they desire. Increasing trade would ultimately decrease the cost of products, which would have been raised by the tax increase. This means cheaper products for all.

Entertainment Policy

We believe that as a game, we should be working to make this as fun an experience as possible. However, regional games, whilst fun, are expensive for their cost. Therefore, we suggest that we pool half the current congressional allowances for regional development, and use them to run national competitions in game, with a wide variety of prizes. For example, a paid holiday to Romania plus five Q3 weapons for the member who can name the top five posters on the forums. Games like this will show members that there is a definite link between the forums and the game, and hopefully whilst they're there they will bump into other areas of the forums as well.

Another issue with current entertainment policy is that although it is primarily targeted at new members, many of those participating are older. Therefore we propose that we run a series of competitions for things such as Avatar design, and have maximum level entries. So there will be a Level 6 and lower category. This will make new players feel like they have a better chance of winning. There will also be games for higher-level players, but instead of being paid in money or gifts the games will be mostly for fun, or for personal prizes submitted by members. There isn't a need for a financial reward for more experienced players.

These measures are quite reasonable in my opinion, the entertainment business is not profitable but it allows more people to get involved, this means an increase in forum activity, which is generally the ultimate goal. I will personally set up a forum based game if I get elected with the other members of congress in the region to hopefully expand the region to its full potential.

So that’s it, the party policies done, the question now posed is why should you elect me into congress for your region? As a member of the South East, I am active and experienced. I believe there is a lot I can do to improve the region and how it is perceived by its citizens, this will be my first congress run and I would like to wish all those running luck in their campaign.

Many thanks Wallyboy444

Link to The Unity Party's official Manifesto
down below 🙂