Wake Up Malaysia!

Day 1,174, 02:14 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Foreign Office of eMalaysia

What the hell has been going on here lately?

How is that even possible? 10 people voted for all three proposals, but somehow those 10 people realized that two were lulz/stupid but not that the one that actually had serious repercussions was? I refuse to believe that. 7 people voted YES on the natural enemy proposal, a little over a week after eSingapore completely owned eMalaysia. Just one week after the giant headache that was the eSg-eMY War. That war completely screwed eMalaysia over politically, economically, militarily and socially. In literally every aspect of the game, eMalaysia was knocked down a notch because it allowed Fruitcommando into office and congress didn't think for themselves before voting in the first Natural Enemy proposal. Now I'll admit there was at least an excuse for the first NE proposal, there were PTOers present and if you add FC and the players that were loyal to him it was a good bet that the law would pass. However, after it was proven to be the stupidest act by eMalaysia in months, it has happened yet again and only a week after the lesson should have been learned. Does eMalaysia truly not learn from its mistakes? Or does congress actually not have a mind of its own anymore?

I applaud the 3 congressmen that voted NO to the proposal and from what I can tell TeMing and Zyleris were two of them. These three congressmen should be applauded for actually realizing what their vote should be. The 7 of you that voted for it need to wake up and start thinking for yourselves. The purpose of congress is to think differently from the president, not to agree with him all the time. Looking at eMalaysia over the past few weeks, it looks to me like congress is no longer a separate entity from the president. Congress and the president are supposed to balance each other out in the game, and to be honest congress actually holds far more power than the president, especially in eMalaysia. Yet somehow congress has been the presidents plaything for months. QUIT DOING WHAT THE PRESIDENT ASKS! Discuss it yourselves and decide yourselves what should and should not be accepted. How is it that the populace can be so against something when congress votes for it? You are supposed to be representing the people that completely disagree with you. Start doing your jobs correctly or let someone else do it.

That said, eMalaysians are extremely under-educated about the game. I noticed a few weeks ago many players asking for things that simply aren't possible. Everyone should strive to learn the game, look for a mentor and ask them to teach you what you don't know already. Go to the forums, go on IRC, make an article DO SOMETHING! If you don't understand the game, you can't make assumptions about it and before you start criticizing decisions you need to ensure that you know what you are talking about. Otherwise you just come off looking extremely dumb when a more experienced player tells you why you are wrong.

I'll be back for more later, once I cool down a little bit.

A player that has sat by and watched for too long