Waiting for the flood...

Day 1,302, 10:36 Published in USA USA by Scott1

Since it seems that 90% of the eworld is so angry with things that they vow to become "two-clickers", I guess I need to tighten up my game and expect a flood of new readers. Ok, on with the COMPREHENSIVE two-click news:

War: Ummmm, guess Spain is doing stuff in the US. Didn't really get a good look at the map, but I'm fairly certain someone mentioned Poland and impending doom for all.

Economy: I've employed a Nobel Winning Economist to contribute to this section of the paper.... his thoughts on the new economy, "Dude, what the F#%* ???"

Politics: Fairly certain Glove is our President. Think I'll rent Fight Club this week....

That's all for this weeks hard hitting, in-depth, fair and balanced, fat-free two-click news. Until next week... or whenever (not really certain they'll be anyone left on the planet besides Plato, myself, and a few really angry Serbs). REMEMBER: the Flying Spaghetti Monster died for your sins and wants you to give Scott1 gold.