Waiting for 15 June 2009 =p

Day 569, 00:21 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by catalog

Suksesi Pemerintahan

pemerintahan baru sudah berjalan, beberapa negara seperti eJapan, eUK, dan negara2 asing lainnya sudah memiliki individu2 yang mengisi jabatan2 strategis untuk mendukung jalannya suatu pemerintahan.

berikut pos2 beberapa negara yang terpantau oleh redaksi..

kabinet eJapan periode Juni 2009:

President: Kokawayoshi Makoto
Vice President: Tohru
Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Oraizan
Secretary of Culture & Events: Oraizan
Secretary of Defense: Geno Garon
Secretary of Public Relations: Minamoto Yoritomo
Market Surveillance Advisers: InfernoSD and Akki
Vice Secretary of Defense: Jack Churchill and Yonai Keiko

Referensi:Cabinet for June - Winds of Change
Penulis:Kokawayoshi Makoto

Kabinet eThailand periode Juni 2009:

President: Albert Neurath
Vice President: Tujul

sementara jajaran menteri ditawarkan secara terbuka melalui medianya.

Referensi:From the President's Desk
Penulis:Albert Neurath

Kabinet eUSA Juni 2009:

President: scrabman
Vice President - Bastion
Chief of Staff - Inwegen
Secretary of State - Harrison Richardson
Deputy Secretary of State - ProggyPop
Secretary of Defense - tdwester
Deputy Secretary of Defense - loftedraptor
Secretary of Citizens' Affairs - Cerb
Secretary of Education - Tiacha
Secretary of Treasury - Hokiehigh
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - Eugene Harlot
Secretary of Interparty Relations - Aren Perry
White House Press Secretary - mjdiv
Economic Council Chair - One Eye
Director, Welcoming Committee - ligtreb
Director, Meals on Wheels - SirEkim
Director, Ambassadorial Affairs - Huskerguy77
Deputy Director, Ambassadorial Affairs - Wade Seagrave

Referensi:my fourth term cabinet

eUK kabinet Juni 2009:

CP (Country President): Kumnaa

MoDA (Minister of Domestic Affairs): Rastari
MoHA (Minister of Home Affairs): Shyguy1001
Underministers: DaRuler + Nice Guy Eddie
Apprentices: Nile Frater + Mr. Woldy
MoIE (Minister of Information and Education): Scipio the Great
Underminister: Silent Hero
Apprentices: Bob Boblo, StanWephen, John Bartlett, Kurnzi, Chris J Adshead

MoE (Minister of Economics): John Forseti
MoW (Minister of Work): Mr. Woldy
Underminister: Lando Khan
Apprentices: Master Hofkens, Portia Emerest, Joachim Von Bremen, Subtemperate, William Wilberforce
MoF (Minister of Finance): Arthur Wellesly
Underministers/Apprentices: Not yet announced
MoT (Minister of Trade): Wyli
Underminister: Craig Rossiter
Apprentices: Dill the dog, Frank Furglar, Adam Neale

MoDaFA (Minister of Defense and Foreign Affairs): Hassan Pesearn
MoFA (Minister of Foreign Affairs): Glorious Failure
MoD (Minister of Defense): HexXa

Referensi:The new eUK cabinet
Penulis:eUK Home Office


Perang berlangsung di Sichuan, yang diprovokasi oleh wizzie_don, perang ini merupakan salah satu rencana pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kekuatan militer rakyat eIndo dan masyarakat luar negeri yang berdomisili di eIndonesia. Diharapkan oleh pemerintah, agar para rakyat bergabung di bagian merah (Fight For Resistance.)

Jika pihak resistance (pemberontak) menang, maka Sichuan akan kembali di bawah bendera eChina.

Link perang Sichuan



Menyambung berita kemarin, mengenai upaya invasi ke eUSA oleh komunitas PEACE, beberapa artikel pun memberikan tanggapan, baik itu yang kontra maupun yang pro.

Dari pengamatan, beberapa warga erepublik menyambut, khususnya warga eUSA dan eUK berpendapat bahwa mereka siap sedia menghadapi usaha invasi tersebut.


"Yes I said it.
Do you know what NYPD stands for Knock Your Peace Ass Down!
Bring it GLaDOS!!"

Referensi:Declaration of Intent to Kick Some Peace Ass!!
Penulis:Jon Malcom

Tanggapan dan analisis perang lain:

"No, not because it’s party elections day. Because Peace is going to attack us. And I almost wish they would take us over so we can PTO them simply by winning our own congressional elections 😛

However, they probably will simply get militarily wiped off the board.

15 v 11. That’s what it’s going to be. Why? Because the various PEACE countries we have attacked all have 10 allies. We have 14 allies. They won’t stand a chance.

Of course, they could try to PTO us. But, last time I checked, we were a third again the population of ANY other country in the eWorld. Sorry, keep dreaming there.

BTW: On a previous article, I talked about the inefficiencies of NG, and my most recent update there was when I was put into the MI. I am now the CO of the Charlie 6 platoon in MI, and am waiting for my platoon to have other Infantrymen placed in it."

Referensi:I can’t WAIT for June 15th!


Dampak dari berita tersebut, eUSA mengadakan latihan perang dengan eIreland, dan eCanada yang bersekutu dengan eUSA pun turut serta dalam perang tersebut seperti dilansir Ministry of Information eCanada.

Referensi:Training War with eIreland
Penulis:Ministry of Information

Menurut beberapa sumber, PEACE akan melakukan aksi PTO (Political Take OVer) pada eUSA, ada lagi yang berpendapat bahwa serangan secara efisik akan dilancarkan ke region2 eUSA, tapi apakah ada rencana lain dibalik itu? karena menurut saya aneh sekali PEACE membocorkan rencananya? adakah rencana lain? mari kita tunggu tanggal mainnya hehehe.


sekian dulu berita kali ini, gak terlalu beragam update2nya, kebanyakan menyoal suksesi tampuk kekuasaan yang berlangsung secara serempak di seluruh negara erepublik hehehe...

hayo kemarin dapet inspirasi mo nulis artikel dengan judul "Efektivitas Hospital vs Defense System" hayo silahkan dikupas tuntas! mana yang lebih baik, dengan kondisi seperti apa dan dampaknya.. silahkan.. hehehe 😛 boleh ditambah dari segi material, dana yang diperlukan, effort dan tetek bengeknya ahahahha..

Terima kasih.

Menuju Colonel... seminggu lagi..