Wade's World Wood! Failing...

Day 442, 08:38 Published in USA USA by Wade Seagrave

Well, my company is starting to drift off... We are now struggling to keep enough money day to day for employees to work. If someone would buy all of my goods, I would still be about $50 behind in what I started with, but at least I could be paying employees.

I'm currently selling wood about $0.30 cheaper than I wish I could, hoping that someone might buy some because I am already out of money.

I am hoping for a few options:
1) Someone might donate a few bucks 😛
2) Someone might buy some food from me (Q4 food $9; Q5 food $16)
3) Someone might buy some wood from us.
4) Some employees would get a higher productivity.
5) The Department of Education (or anyone) could teach me what level of employees I need to hire and how much to pay them.
6) Someone with more idea of what's going on might buy the company for 21 gold (currently on the market)

If my employees would increase productivity (through wellness, trivia, etc.) then I might be able to pull out of this which is what I'm hoping will happen. I really want some people to buy my wood... The more the merrier!

Its seeming like a day to day struggle. Yesterday I even loaned $20 from my employer to keep my business alive... its not looking very good. I never realized how much start up funds I'd need to start up my business.

Well, thanks for reading my incredibly depressing article; see you in the unemployment line!