Vratimo osmijeh Nori na lice POMOZIMO // Novci su prikupljeni BRAVO HRVATSKA

Day 1,901, 11:50 Published in Croatia Croatia by Daria89

Nora Šitum ima 5 godina i 8 mjeseci. Ona je jedno posebno i vrlo neobično ljudsko biće. Oni koji je poznaju, to će potvrditi. A oni koji je ne znaju...e pa trebali bi je upoznati!

Njeno malo i bezbrižno djetinjstvo naprasno je prekinuto 1.12.2010. godine kada joj je dijagnosticirana Akutna Limfoblastična Leukemija. Taj dan preokrenuo je nas život naglavačke. Taj dan pretvorio je naš život u pakao. Taj dan počela je naša borba. Borba za život.

Došli smo na odjel dječje hematologije i onkolgije KBC-a Rebro u Zagrebu gdje je počela dugotrajna i mukotrpna terapija koja je trajala 9 dugih mjeseci. Od samog početka ništa nije išlo glatko jer je već 27. dan liječenja Nora završila u komi. Koma je trajala punih 11 dana i već tada, bila je „otpisana“. No, probudila se! I počela život iz početka. Ponovno je učila hodati, pričati, jesti...Čudno je to malo biće. Malo biće velikog srca i još veće snage! Odradila je svoju terapiju i otišli smo kući na terapiju održavanja. Polako smo se vračali u život. Uz puno tableta, uz puno vađenja krvi i kontrola ali bili smo kući, bili smo zajedno i bila je, skoro zdrava! I tako 10 punih mjeseci dok se prokleta bolest nije vratila. Naglo, bez najave, bez pripreme, okrutno i podmuklo. I onda...sve ponovno! Ponovno bolnica. Ponovno šok. Ponovno dugotrajne kemoterapije. I tako 6 mjeseci. I sve je išlo svojim tokom. Sve je bilo dobro...i onda ponovno! Bolest se opet vratila. Do danas ukupno 3 puta!

80% djece oboljele od leukemije se izliječi. Svi prođu svoj križni put, svi prođu svoju muku ali jednog dana, to na sreću, ostane samo ružna uspomena.

Nora Fora je nažalost u onih 20%. A jaka je kao lav. Ili strašni lav, kako ona zna reći.

Za nju više nema lijeka. Njeni liječnici, dječji hematolozi na Rebru, su divni ljudi. Napravili su sve. Kako za mog lava, tako i za svu ostalu djecu. Ali i oni su samo ljudi, nisu bogovi. Nemaju joj više što dati. Bolest je postala otporna na sve.

No kako se uvijek negdje pojavi malo svijetla na kraju tunela, tako smo i mi saznali za novu metodu liječenja u Dječjoj bolnici u Philadelphiji (The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia) koja je snažno odjeknula u medijima prije mjesec i pol dana. Baš onda kad je Nora primala posljednju liniju obrane. Posljednji lijek koji ju je mogao spasiti. Ali nije.

Kontaktirali smo bolnicu u Philadelphiji a liječnici su već poslali medicinsku dokumentaciju. Oni nas čekaju a vrijeme nam je najgori neprijatelj jer brzo curi a bolest je razara svakim danom sve više. U ovakvom stanju, bez terapije, ne može dugo živjeti.

U roku 8 dana trebali bi sjesti u avion koji će nas odvesti u novu borbu. Onu najvažniju, onu posljednju. Prsa u prsa, Nora Fora VS Leukemija. Ona to može! Ako itko to može izdržati, to je mamin lav! To je naša Nora Fora. Ne znate je vi! Ali morate je upoznati. Vrijeme je da nakon toliko bitki dobije i rat. Zaslužila je. I otvorit će put novoj metodi liječenja. Otvorit će put svoj drugoj djeci i taj će postotak izliječenja biti 100% a ne 80%.

Problem je, kao i uvijek, novac.

Troškovi liječenja su 575 000 dolara. Oko 3,3 milijuna kuna. Iznos od kojeg nam se vrti u glavi. Mi ga nemamo. Pomozite nam, molimo vas! Za Noru Foru. Za maminog lava! Za svu djecu koja će, ne daj Bože, biti u ovakvoj poziciji. Pomaknimo granice zajedno!

A kad se vratimo, upoznat ćete našu Noru Foru. Zanimljivo je to ljudsko biće, rekla sam vam... Vidjet ćete sami. Pobjedit ćemo! Jednostavno...MORAMO!



OIB 58243364080
Žiro račun Zagrebačka banka
Za uplate iz inozemstva IBAN: HR0423600001102209843

2340009-3110426252 (vlasnik računa Đana Atanasovska, majka)
Poziv na broj 00 25052007
Nora Fora – Strašni lav

Telefon za pomoć:060 800 558 (mobitel 4,97 kn, fiksni 3,69 kn)

Svatko da stavi 10kn na racun vec je puno pomogao ...


Nora Šitum is 5 years and 8 months old. She is one special and very unusual human being. Those who know her can vouch for this. And those who don’t, well, they should get to know her!

Her short and carefree childhood was rudely interrupted on 1 December 2010 when she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. That day turned our lives upside down. That day turned our lives into a living hell…

We arrived at the children’s haematology and oncology department at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia, where Nora endured a whole 9 months of treatment. Nothing went according to plan from the very beginning and Nora was already in a coma after the 27th day of treatment. She remained in a coma for 11 whole days by which time the doctors were already preparing for the worst. Then, out of the blue, she woke up and her life started all over. She learnt how to walk again, talk again, eat again….This little girl is really quite something - this little girl with a big heart and even greater strength! She completed her treatment and we finally returned home so she could recover. We slowly returned to a normal life albeit one full of tablets, blood samples and tests, but at least we were living at home, we were all together and soon she regained her health! A full ten months passed and no signs of the disease returning. And then, suddenly, without warning, without any time to prepare, most cruelly and treacherously, it came back. Again to the hospital. Again shock. Again endless rounds of chemotherapy. And so it went on for 6 months, but again she overcame the disease and, everything was good….but then it happened all over again. To date she has had to endure this disease three whole times!

80% of children suffering from leukemia recover from the disease. They all go through a crisis phase, they all have to endure the anguish but one day, fortunately, they are left just with the terrible memories.

Nora Fora is unfortunately in the 20% but is nevertheless as strong as a lion. Or a brave and fierce lion, as she herself likes to say.

For Nora there are no more drugs. Her doctors, pediatric haematologists at the University Hospital in Zagreb, are amazing people. They’ve done everything they can, both for my little lion as well as for all the other children but they are just people, not Gods. They’ve nothing left to give. The disease has become resistant to everything they try.

But somehow, a small ray of light always appears somewhere at the end of the tunnel. And so, we learned of a new type of treatment being offered at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia which was featured heavily in the press six weeks ago, just as Nora reached her last line of defence, the last drug that might save her. But it hasn’t.

This is our only and last chance. It is that or waiting helplessly at her bedside, counting the hours and days before the life of this little lion is finally over. What parents can do that when they know that there is still some hope out there?

We contacted the hospital in Philadelphia and the doctors sent us the medical documentation. They are now waiting for us over there but time is not on our side as it is passing quickly and with each day the disease takes its dreadful toll on Nora. In this state, without further treatment, she cannot live for much longer.

In 8 days’ time, we ought to be boarding a plane to take us on to the next battle, the most important one and the last chance. Hand-in-hand with us, Nora Fora versus leukemia. She can do it! If anyone can, it’s her mum’s little lion. That’s our Nora Fora. You don’t know her yet but you should. After so many battles and so much struggling she has deserved it. Your help can make this new type of treatment available to her. It will make it possible too for other children, and make the survival rate 100% not 80%.

As always, the problem is money.

The cost of the treatment is $575,000 which is around 3.3 million Croatian kunas, an amount that simply makes my head spin. We don’t have that sort of money and so we are asking you for your help, for the sake of Nora Fora, for her mum’s little lion and for all the children who may find themselves in this position. Let’s break through this barrier together.

When we do return, you will get to know our Nora Fora, this fascinating little human being…you will see for yourself. We will overcome! In short…WE MUST!

Vratimo osmijeh Nori na lice POMOZIMO

Bravo Hrvatska! Nora ide na liječenje u Ameriku!!!!

Nora vam šalje osmijehe iz svoje sobe, gdje je u zagrljaju svoje "ratnice" ! Evo koliko ste do sada skupili novaca za njezino liječenje -->> http://bit.ly/WI2sKy