VPP Article: A Call to Action

Day 1,143, 20:03 Published in USA USA by Jacksondr5

People of the eUSA, we are at one of our best times. Achieving a long standing goal of ours, we conquered Mexico. We’ve set up PANAM, a force which is sure to change the course of the eworld. Also, our government is doing better than ever. Even though a new POTUS brings new plans, ideas, and hope for a better country, we must not overlook one of our most important assets, our political parties.

Like it or not, parties are the biggest driving force of the eUSA. They get the most people involved in the game, organize congressional races to protect our country from PTOers, and make the game a whole lot of fun for everyone. Everyone thinks their party is the best. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be there. They want to make it better. Getting involved in party jobs helps in that regard. Examples of this include: the MMer, alerting the party to important news, the Political Director, who organizes the elections, and the Party President who either leads the party to greatness or the ground.

In theory, the PP would have the most stressful and work filled job. That depends on the work he/she puts on him/herself. Every PP needs to address each problem with a solution. They make sure that each solution is carried out, from the drawing board to the end of the project. Leading people is not an easy job. That is why most PPs and POTUS’ don’t run for consecutive terms. Being successful requires much time and commitment. Those who are not successful, either have much to do IRL or they aren’t doing their job to the best of their capability.

Lately, the Feds have been noticing some problems. We have six congressmen in office. SIX. Our forums have slowed down tremendously, and our IRC dies too much. We need to recruit and retain better than before. We need to go back to our practices from the glory days. That was when the Feds had a more powerful grip on the nation without having a majority. For the last month, Federalist leadership has tried to address this problem. The recent reorganization of our Media and R&R departments will help in that regard.

Let’s get back to this.

Now, the Feds need to finish their work and get that grip on the country back. Last month, JDR1986 and myself both ran for PP, but we lost to Greene12. This month we are running together. We plan on bringing fresh, new ideas to the table, along with a touch of the golden days to get back what we lost. This month, JDR1986 will be running for PP, with me as his VPP. Our first step to better the Party is going to start before we even step into office. Plan on seeing a lot more Federalists in the news because we’re starting a media blitz. The Feds are going to pick up their pens and take their spot on the country stage. Making our voices heard will help positive changes to happen.

Federalists, I have a quote for you: “We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn’t matter with me now, because I’ve been to the mountain top. And I’ve looked over, and I’ve seen the promise land.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

HEre's where I got the quote, its also a nice inspiring song.

I’m seeing the promise land, its not far away. We, as Federalists, need to unite and work toward a common goal, the betterment of out Party. We’ve done this before we can do it again.

Have faith.
Work hard.
The promise land is near, my friends.
