Vox Gazette:

Day 1,957, 03:50 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati
Theme Music: PanterA; Regular People

Give eUS your Tired your Poor, your Huddled Masses
Part #1
(Tanks for Tots🙂

Here is what you need to qualify for 10 q7 Tanks;

#1. You must be level 29, or under.

#2. Your top damage, in a campaign, must be for the eU.S.

#3. Introduce yourself in the comments box. If you qualify, tanks will arrive shortly.

(Government Cheese🙂

Here is what you will need to qualify for 1,000 Cheese; (Food quality may vary.)

#1.You need to be level 29 or under.

#2. You must be an eU.S. citizen.

#3. Introduce yourself, in the comments box. If you qualify, the food will arrive shortly.

Part #2

Official Party; Mission Statement, Manifesto, Agreement (or whatever you want to call it.) This is not an attempt to monopolize, on revolutionary thinking.

By Joseph Dinero.

This means that it is what WE feel as a party that is important for the US, not what we are TOLD is right. The direction of the nation is based on its citizens, and that is how it should always be. As new ideas/solutions are needed for the nation, we will keep an updated list as to where the party stands on these important, pressing matters for reference. (They will be accessible by the public too) This area will be called the “Consto” meaning to “stand firm, or endure”.

This is very important. With any major decision (the level of the decision will be decided by the elected leadership of the party), there will be a vote. For the party to take a stand, there must be a 60% vote FOR or AGAINST it (except in primaries, where there is a simple majority needed). After that, the leadership will then be taken to task to make sure this decision is enforced/publicized when and where needed. It is also important for all of the party members to do the same.

We as a party, and its members, are sovereign as a group. We will make our OWN decisions and will back our fellow members as we would want them backing us. This importance will show ideally as we will be holding a primary BEFORE the Party President, Congress, and Country President primaries in game. This will help us decide what to do when ATO/PTO events arise. Backing of other members by the party will be within reason and will need to be in association with this manifesto and the party’s principles at the time.

Each member will take it upon themselves to help the other members with info, direction, or sometimes a helping hand if they are able. Our party as a whole will do the same with programs designed to help our country (and in turn our party) grow to be as strong as it can to stifle our enemies. We will set up a centralized help area, and will keep it updated as to help all new and old citizens. Education is more important than some food/weapons, as it will help keep citizens in the game. Future programs will be set up to help with this task.

Leaders are born to lead. Some of them are trained to do so. If you don’t know where you are going, you can’t lead anyone. People that “blaze the trail” into new ideas are more often known to become leaders. Take an idea and run with it. “Play” the game the way you want, knowing full well that you will be judged by your actions accordingly. Members will get what they earn, as how it should be. That being said, the party will ALWAYS desire to have exposure in Congress and CP elections. Being represented will be the ONLY way to have our voice heard.

Featured Papers:
The Dinero Way
Odin's Raven
American Agorist

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