Day 1,462, 12:23 Published in Albania USA by xemisss

I dashur popull i eAlbania (eShqiperia), Bashkqytetaret e mi dhe te gjith Shqiptareve kudo qe ndodhen.[/b]
Po ju shkruaj juve qe me dashamiresi tju lajmeroj per aplikimin tim per pozicionin e Kongresmenit ne Provincen Juglindore te Shqiperise *Southeastern Albanian Province*

Ne rast se do te zgjidhem nga ju plani im apo objektivi im si Kongresmen do te jete:

1...Te mbroj dhe respektoj te drejtat e gjithsecilit dhe te cdo qytetari te Shqiperise dhe te luftoj per nje bashkjetese te mire dhe nje progresi te shendetshem per te gjithe komunitetin Shqipfoles.

2...Te aplikoj nje politike financiare ne mbarvajtjen e taksave te cilat do te ishin te favorshme per rritjen dhe zhvillimin ekonomik te vendit tone si dhe te qytetareve te vendit.Duke ju garantuar qe per taksat me rendesi te cilat do te preknin interesat e qytetareve do te organizoja nje referendum duke mare konsensusin tuaj nese do i votoja apo jo.

3... Ne politikat e jashtme do te mundesoj nje propagande teper dinjitoze duke bere te mundur afrimin e sa me shume shteteve ne favor te shtetit tone kunder armikut tane Nr 1 Serbise

4... Per cdo ligj do te konsultohem me ju duke publikuar ne formen e sondazhit nese duhet apo nuk duhet aplikuar me qellim qe te mbroj interesat tuaj dhe interesat me madhore te Shqiperise tone te dashur

5...Zotohem para jush se do te rris numrin e qytetareve te rinj si dhe do jem aktiv ne ndihmen ndaj te rinjve me te mira materiale me sa te kem mundesi si ushqim e arme.

Me jepni mundesine te jap kontributin tim sepse nuk do ju zhgenjej Juaji me sinqeritet te thell XEMISSS


Per cdo paqartesi apo verejtje mund te me shkruani edhe ne mesazh privat apo mund te komentoni me poshte !....

RROFT SHQIPERIA E MADHE RROFSHIM NE 😛OSHT: serbet dhe te gjith armiqt tan me propaganden e tyre te ndyre.... To Bee Continued!!!!

Dear eAlbanian people,My fellow citizens and to all of Albanians wherever they are.

I am writing to you to gladly announce my application for the position of congressman in The Southeastern Albanian Province.

In case I get elected, my objectives as a congressman would be:
1... to defend and respect the rights of each and every ecitizen of eAlbania and to fight for a good cohabitation and a wealthy progress of the entire community.

2....To apply financial policy which the proogres of taxes would be favorable for growth and development of our country and it's citizens favour. I want also to guarantee you that for important taxes whixh will affect directly your interest, I will organize a referendum by consensus taken your vote , if it is or not necesary to apply the law.

3... In foreign policy propaganda will enable a more dignified approach enabling many more states in favour of our country against our enemy No 1 serbia.

4... For any law i will consult with you by publishing it in a form of survey, whether or not to apply in order to protect your interests and the major interest of our beloved Albania.

5...I pledge to you that i will increase the nomber of yong citizens, and to be active helping the yonges one with food and weapons as i have the opportunity to do that.

Give me the opportunity to give my contribution because you will not be disappointed. Yours with deep sincerity Xemisss.