Voting Time

Day 884, 23:50 Published in Belgium Belgium by Helviro


As you allready know, next elections are planned on the 25th.
For the first time, I'm running for Congress in Flanders.


There are a number of ideological, political and personal reasons.
But before this, I'd like to introduce myself.
I'm a RL Belgian. I've been pretty active since I arrived here. First on my own, to explore eLife, and later in Res Belgica.

Since a month, I'm commissioner for infrastructure, which has the fairtradefood company under it's wings. And since Rithulme got elected as party president, I've also been assigned to the commission for Health and Social Services. This commission takes care of our social program. We help people getting started in Belgium, by providing well payed jobs, for the unskilled, and restoring health to a reasonable level.

Why Res Belgica?
You could read this here: .
But to be brief, I found RB to be the party that represents the most what i want in eBelgium. A true eBelgian party, which has the sole intrest of defending eBelgium.
There has to be diplomacy between nations, and there can be bigger organisations above us, but they should be feeded by local governments, not the other way around.

Now, back to basics, why me.
I'm not going to start by saying why I'm better then every other candidate. First of all, I'm convinced that everyone who runs for congress has (or should have) the intention of getting involved in making Belgium better.
What i can do for you and for Belgium is use me RL and eL experience to raise Belgium to a new level. We have Ragoth doing a great job on top, our base is getting bigger by the day. then let me be one of the bridgebuilders who brings these two worlds together.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and for considering me for your vote.

Candidate for Congress in Flanders
Res Belgica.