Voting on the Constitution *UPDATED*

Day 1,012, 08:45 Published in Thailand Thailand by Thai Ministry of Communication

UPDATE: Voting is now open.

Because the Constitution affects all Thai citizens, it is important that we have a referendum on the issue. All Thai citizens over Level 12 may vote in the referendum. Votes should be messaged to this ORG, which for the duration of the referendum will have three vote counters. These are:

Albert Neurath

Voters will have three choices of vote:

YES: Voter accepts the Constitution
NO: Votes rejects the Constitution
REWRITE: Voter likes parts of the Constitution, but wants to see changes made. Citizens voting this way should also state the parts they want to see changed.

Voting is open fro 16:00 eRep time today to 16:00 eRep time on Day 1014. All votes will be screenshotted to prevent fraud.