Voting Day Galore + Announcement

Day 978, 08:00 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

Well, today is it! It is the day we hit the voting booths and file our votes for who we think will be the best representative in Congress. As many of you know, I am running for Congress in New Hampshire, but no, this is not a cheap way I can advertise one more time before the citizens place their powerful ballets. Well, it is, but at least you don't see Kanye coming out here. Am I right?

"I'm really happy for you. I'mma let you finish, but MorningAlice had one of the best newbie runs of all time!". Am I the only one who finds that a little awkward?

Well, anyways, I am writing today as a ending to my campaign for this election month. I had a blast running for New Hampshire this month. It was full of excitements and unexpected turns. I would like to wish a motivating good luck to all my opponents today. It's been amazing to meet you all. You guys taught me the feeling of good competition.

Secondly, I give a shout out to all the people that supported me during this Congressional race. Many of you looked over my platform numerous times, while others just supported my run in general. When I had questions, you guys were there for me. I couldn't even be running without you guys.

So yeah, like I said, today is Voting Day. I really need you guys votes. I am running in New Hampshire by the way, so if you don't know who to vote for, I am your guy. Today, let's take a stand in getting Congress where it should be, so we can help you. Vote HobbitTon for Congress in New Hampshire!

Oh, before I forget, I am trying to make a break into the media scene, but I can't do that by just being like the other writers. I want to be unique and try to do something that most many people wouldn't. As a result, I am implementing a new section in my articles called "Question of the Day", Not only will it give me a chance to have a little bit of fun around here, it will also give me a chance to connect better with you guys. All you need to do is answer the "Question of the Day" through a comment. Thanks again guys!

Question of the Day: What is your favorite season?

I would have to say winter. Yeah it is cold, but who doesn't like a good snow ball fight? Oh that's right, Kanye doesn't.