Votes in Congress so Far

Day 492, 14:30 Published in USA USA by Robert Bayer

First, I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me to be come North Dakota's new congressman. I'd also like to thank the AAP for allowing me to run on their ticket and the Socialist Freedom Party for providing the support I needed to win.

Now, onto my voting so far in Congress:

Proposed by hokiehigh
Do you agree to transfer 75000 USD from the country accounts to Fort Knox Federal Reserve?

Issue Money
Proposed by One Eye
Do you agree with the proposal to issue 20000 USD for 100 GOLD?

Tax change: Wood
Proposed by Bienville
Value added tax (VAT) 0%
Import Tax 99%
Income Tax 12%

Proposed by scrabman
President of USA proposed an alliance with Germany.

Minimum Wage
Proposed by Sadam Hussien
Minimum wage change from 1 USD to 10 USD