Voter turnout statistics

Day 737, 13:38 Published in Canada Canada by Chamrajnagar

Most party members vote along party lines during the Congressional election. However, this election 3 parties got more votes than their party size! Is this due to the other parties who aren't top 5? Or did some voters vote outside of their party? What do you think happened?

DAL: 370 votes / 630 members = 58.7% voter turnout -> 12 seats -> 30.83 votes/seat
CPF: 306 votes / 300 members = 102% voter turnout -> 8 seats -> 38.25 votes/seat
CS😨 307 votes / 244 members = 125.8% voter turnout -> 9 seats -> 34.11 votes/seat
CNC: 155 votes / 207 members = 74.9% voter turnout -> 6 seats -> 25.83 votes/seat
CPP: 191 votes / 171 members = 111.7% voter turnout -> 5 seats -> 38.2 votes/seat