Vote Xanthar for Parliament in Canterbury

Day 1,246, 15:31 Published in New Zealand Turkey by Manny Calavera

Kia Ora Kiwis!

Today is a very special day for all of you as we have just won the resistance war against Indonesia and returned Wellington! I don't know what you lot think, but ever since we traded Wellington, I have wanted her back! Thank you to everyone who fought and bled to get her back today!

On to business... I have had one previous term as a PnPP member of Parliament for eNZ and it was one of the more fulfilling experiences I have had since I began playing eRep. Below is my platform as I am once again throwing my proverbial hat back into the ring for a Parliamentary seat in Canterbury for the Peace 'n' Prosperity Party!

We have gone through an awful lot this month, especially with all of the battles in Chile and the land of Oz. I feel it is part of our obligation to have a powerful and mobile fighting force. If elected, I will push for a new training command for n00bs and push for funding to get it off the ground. We must train our new citizens how and when to fight and start planning for the future of eNew Zealand!

There have been a great many changes made to the economic module over the last couple of months. It has become difficult to make any kind of profit for some people, especially with the fluctuations in item prices and workers wages. We need to have a strong economy, and it is difficult to do that when wages and resources are expensive and finished material is cheap in comparison. I will push for our country to find a balance, where you the business owner and eNew Zealand can both profit!

There has been a great rise in participation on the forums and IRC, but i am still not satisfied. I want everyone of you who hasn't registered already to come to the forums and say hi. This is a great way to meet people in eNew Zealand, not to mention the world via the foreign affairs section! You can usually find me on rizon IRC under the alias Xanthar. Please come and say hi, and feel free to ask me anything, I am not shy!

Last but not least, if you are new and you have not as of yet joined a political party, or are considering your options, I implore you to consider the Peace 'n' Prosperity Party. I have been a member of the PnPP since December of last year when I moved to eNew Zealand, and I couldn't have found a better group of people if I tried! I have met so many awesome people and it isn't so much the game that keeps me playing, but the people I meet every day! So when you come to the polls on the 25th, don't forget, Vote for Xanthar Zaiban the PnPP! Thank you to everyone in the PnPP and thank you all for reading!

Xanthar Zaiban
PnPP Candidate for Parliament in Canterbury
NZDF Unit 3 CO