Vote Varlosh: Long Live Egypt - Tahya Misr!

Day 1,351, 18:36 Published in Egypt Egypt by Varlosh

The Sinai Peninsula or Sinai (Arabic: سيناء‎ sīnā') is a triangular peninsula in Egypt about 60,000 km2 (23,000 sq mi) in area. It is situated between the Mediterranean Sea to the north, and the Red Sea to the south, and it is the part of Egyptian territory located in Asia as opposed to Africa.

As our trusty Friend Wikipidea ( for the less educated of us) says although the only Egyptian Region in Asia, rather than Africa, it is no less Egyptian than any other, and so just as justifiable for it's return.

And, in Keeping, we recently managed to return it back to Egypt only two days ago with great help from many of allies.

The main goal of next month will always be the Regional return of the rest of Egypt.

Because, After all, Egypt IS for Egyptians, and must return that way.

So why am I running again?

Until Very recently, I had no intention to run for office again. I was looking forward to - at long last - my retirement away from all the troubles and headaches this has brought me, however the times changes and the situation dictated otherwise.

I have always valued myself as a man of my word, and I have never gone back on my word unless i deemed it to be absolutely necessary. I hope that you see the gravity of the situation that Egypt is in, that has caused me to do this.

I believe, that Egypt, one last time, needs Varlosh, and I hope I can answer it's call.

I fully Believe i am the only man for the job, and I ask for your support for me, this one last time.

What are My Previous Achievements?

If I was to say the list is too long to write, i would come of as being narcissist, but the truth wouldn't be too far off. I have devoted months of my life for this country, and the seeds of it are everywhere around us.

Many young players are right now active and selling daily on our markets due to the grants we have given them to help them. We have an active society, and everyday we say a new face on IRC, increasing our activity and our unity.

However, most appropriately, Twice before, once as President and once as Vice President, I have managed to return Egypt from a region less situation, to a complete, whole country again.

Today, I look around, and we are in that situation again.

And, History has a habit to repeat itself.

What are my aims?

Militarily, I have no doubt about what I want to - and, god help me - will achieve. A full, united Egypt once more, with all our original regions returned to us at a bare minimum. And I will not compromise on this - Egypt will be for Egyptians and the flag shall fly high over every region.

If our allies require a region, then we will choose to give it to them, and I am a true believer in "What was taken by force, can only be restored by force."- Gamal Abdel Nasser.

Also, our military units are doing constantly more influence per day than before, and definate development can be noticed. We will capitalize on that, and build on it.

Money doesn't grow from trees, but it does grow from taxes. Unfortunately, our PTOed congress is not allowing us to withdraw money to build Egypt or use for the army, however i will try all that is within my power to use that money to help build Egypt.

We intend to roll out a full scheme of government grants to new players, as well as older players, to help struggling bussniesses as well help start up new ones. A strong market is an active market, and we must achieve that.

Of course, region bonuses help too, and we intend to achieve that to coincide with this.

Don't Beleive congress is blocking the government?
Donate Law one - BLOCKED
Donate Law two - BLOCKED

Society wise, I intend to maintain the growth of the active Egyptian players. The forum which was created by us before Cecenija's "term" in office will be reviatlaised, and new players will always be directed to the IRC. An army is only as strong as it's weakest citizen. That's why everyone must be educated and informed, and ready to help Egypt.

I stand before you all today and I say - I am the man to pick up the pieces after what the previous government has left us with.

I am the only real-life Egyptian Candidate.

I am the only candidate with experience and a proven track record to get Egypt out of this mess.

There is an old saying in Egypt: لو لم أكن مصرياً لوددت أن أكون مصريا
It means "If i wasn't Egyptian, i would've wished to have been Egyptian" and i fully agree with it. I am proud to be Egyptian, and I intend to make sure everyone living under that flag is also as proud as I am.

Together, for a Greater Egypt!
Loyalty to the End!

Your Presidential Candidate