Vote Tyler96 in Victoria.

Day 1,220, 23:09 Published in Australia Australia by Tyler96

Hi, I am Tyler96 and I will be running for congress under the DSP banner in Victoria tomorrow. As for me, I have spent the majority of my elife in Australia, serving in ANZAC BG, AAR, ACUK and the TCO. As well as this, I have had some small political jobs, having been an intern in the Department of Education twice, an ambassador and the current senate director for the DSP. I am not a troll, I am not an elite, I'm just an Australian who wants to take us to a better future.

My goals include increased recruitment and player retention. An increase in Government Funded Companies and an active, strong, well supplied military force that can defend Australia and its allies effectively.

So, please vote for me or the other DSP candidates, and give Australia a better, united future.