Vote Tyler96 for Otago

Day 1,191, 23:00 Published in Australia Australia by Tyler96

Hello eAustralia, today I ask you to vote Tyler96 in Otago in the upcoming congressional elections.

So about me, I was born on 18 March 2010 and since then, I have spent the majority of my life in eAustralia, with short stints in eNew Zealand and eCanada. I served in the AAR, ACUK and am currently in 12 Battalion. As for my previous government experience, I have been an intern in the Department of Education and an ambassador to Sweden & Finland.

My goals are really to just unite eAustralia again and stop the pointless bickering, spamming, trolling etc. I’d also like to see more executive government-senate-regular citizen communication, more GFC’s and for more work to be done on recruitment/new player retention.

Sorry to my subscribers, regular articles will resume Sunday.