Vote Terribletiger for BDP PP! [Manifesto]

Day 1,119, 08:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Terribletiger

Hey there BDP!

I am Terribletiger, and I am running for the Party President of your party, the British Democratic Party.
Throughout my eLife here on eRepublik, I have held numerous roles such as:

- Party President of the United Kingdom Reform Party once
- Current Vice Party President of the British Democratic Party
- Current Minister of Recruitment in the eUK government
- 4 times Congress Member
- Congressional Director of the British Democratic Party
- Awesome Person
- Under Minister in a few places
- Apprentice in a few places
- Ambassador to a few countries
- Generally cool

Things I have done for the BDP include:
- Update the wiki
- Start up the British Democratic Party Hub (our official organisation)
- Manage BDP Grain which, at the moment is making tons of profit
- Direct Congress 2 terms in a row in which the first term I brought them to a new record of seats

Hayley loves my long list of epicness

My ideas for the future of the BDP are outlined below.

New Schemes
When I was in UKRP, we did Party President Reports and Party Rewards, the reports stopped for some unknown reasons, I thought they worked quite well.

The Party President reports shall be released once a week or once every 2 weeks, they will tell the rest of the eUK and BDP members that are not forum active what has been happening recently within the party and what they can do to help from the outside. These articles will be released through the BDP Reporter (our official newspaper).

I only want to introduce one Party Award, this will be the Recognition Award. This will be given to, who the party thinks has done the best work for the progress of the party. People will be nominated by their own peers and then voted on. This will be done in-forums 🙂.

Here’s a picture of a bag of money

Party Cabinet
I have already chosen my Vice Party President who will help me out through my term if I am elected, this shall be John Rupert Miranda who is our former Party President and a great guy on the whole; basically, he is p ossim 😉.
The party will consist of other roles:
Recruitment Leader
Media Leader
Congressional Director
- Congressional Apprentice
Policies Advisor

Yup, Hayley will be our official drummer 😉

What I want to do
I want to start a recruitment campaign on the BDP itself, to try and get as many of our members forum active as possible. This will help a ton for new ideas and new points of view from different members of our party.
I am always forum and IRC active so you can always approach me with questions, queries and suggestions.

Hayley says she’ll vote for me

I hope to receive your vote on the 15th!


Vice Party President of the BDP
Congressional Director of the BDP
Minister of Recruitment

Don’t be afraid to mail me with any questions whatsoever!