Vote Scorpius for DAL President!

Day 539, 17:16 Published in Canada Canada by Scorpius

Hello Everyone. After spending several months in this great party, i have decided to seek to become President of the DAL! David Eastcorner has decided not to seek a second term, so i am stepping up to take his place.

Some of what i have done for the DAL already, as a regular member and its Vice President:

1) Worked on the DAL charity and recruitment efforts, bring up our member total to over 40
2) Helped increase activity on the DAL forums, making over 500 posts myself
3) Created the DAL org and party newspaper
4) Led negotiations with other parties during elections

Some of what I intend to do if electe😛

1) Expand recruitment to reach the top 5 parties and charity efforts to help even more new players
2) Once in the top 5, field more congressional candidates and further promote our views
3) Write a new party platform and publish several articles promoting DAL interests
4) Improve the DAL forums and encourage more members to use them.

As president of the DAL i would do my best to make DAL even better then it currently is. I would involve ALL of our members in decisions, and would continue to represent the little guy in canadian politics.

Thank you.
Scorpius, current VP and hopeful president of the DAL