Vote May 25th

Day 551, 11:16 Published in USA Australia by Jasper Ferguson
Vote on May 25th

Tomorrow, I humbly ask for your vote to be the next Congressman for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. I may be relatively new to eRepublik, but I believe that I also bring a level of maturity that is sorely lacking in many who seek higher office. Since starting in eRepublik, I have never missed a single day of work or training. I have never missed an opportunity to fight for my country, whether in war-games or in actual combat. I am a proud member of the National Guard, currently assigned to the Training Division, 3rd Company, 13th Platoon.

I am a proud member of the USWP and also endorsed by the AAP
. This however will not prevent me from listening to and addressing the questions or concerns of any citizen of the eUSA, regardless of their party affiliation. All too often, it seems that people hold to political ideas from real life, that don't have any function or reason to be brought into eRepublik. In order for the eUSA to succeed, we must all work towards that common goal. It is not productive, or acceptable in my opinion, to engage in tactics designed to promote divisions among the various political factions that are present in the eUSA. I will therefore, not reduce this campaign into mud-slinging or personal attacks. I will instead pledge to work with any citizen, regardless of party affiliation for the betterment of our country.

I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this and ask that whoever you cast your vote for tomorrow, that you do take the time to vote. Our country benefits when it's members are active in the governance and direction of it.

-Jasper Ferguson
USWP candidate for Kentucky
Endorsed by the AAP