Day 884, 21:21 Published in USA USA by Lord Krauser

Here is a list of my Goals for Congress
1 Raise import taxes to 5% on all Products but diamonds.
2 Lower VAT on all Manufacturing Products to 5%.
3 Raise VAT on Houses to 5%.
4 Housing Fund for eUSA Soldiers.
5 Government Run Lottery.
6 Stronger Defensive.

You ask, who is Lord Krauser?

I, Lord Krauser, was born on Day 695, that is 6 months ago, and have never missed a day: that is 180 days in a row! To start, the first thing I did was go to the eWiki to learn about the game; I started reading all I could from the basics to the history of eUSA and the eWorld history. I fell in love with the game right then. I thought to myself, "This can be a game that I can put a lot of time in." So I started like many players, working, poor, training every day, and reading all I could. After a little over a month, I got some gold and bought my first business. With all I learned on economy from reading and watching the market, I chose a Q1 iron company in Arizona; that just made the game way better for me. After eUSA took control of Karnataka, I sold my company in Arizona and moved to Karnataka to start a new company. LK Ironworks is now one of the highest iron selling companies in eUSA and sells iron to over 6 countries. Due to its success, I started 5 more companies: LK Foods, LK Airlines, LK Firearms US and LK Diamonds. I felt that I should do something to help the eUSA so I joined the CTF and, with some help from LaurenBug, I got the hang of it and now I have been in the CTF for 2 months. I was still wanting to do more, so I signed up for the Training Corps. After a few days, I graduated and now I am a Corporal. (Thanks for the help, LT. AlexBerkman and all of TC!) I do want say to anybody that wants to learn about the game, meet some great people, and KICK THE @$$ of eUSA's enemies sign up for the TC today! Still, I want to learn and do more for my eCountry so what's the next step? To run for congress, of course, and with the approval of the APF and my friends I can win in the fine state of WYOMING!

How you feel about eUSA leaving EDEN, Lord Krauser?

I love it! I feel that we have gotten stronger then ever before, post WW3.
ECONOMY is, to my shock more stable then I have ever see it for almost a month it has stayed at 40 USD = 1 gold as the owner of eUSA companies I love is hard to keep a company running and to keep workers from leaving when the market jumps every day and it hurts wages to.One day some body is making 10 USD the next day the some guy is making 15 USD and the day after that there making 7 USD so I say the best kind of market is a stable and fair market.
BROLLIANCE is almost to awesome! True Bros never forget a Bro even when there down.What EDEN did by forgetting eSouth Africa and eFinland was DISGRACEFUL of an alliance!They would rather complain and talk very poorly about eUSA an Allie then fight PHOENIX the true enemy! I say they are TRAITORS and should be treated as that TRAITORS!

What about Taxes, Lord Krauser?

IMPORT TAXES good right now but not great. I feel that the import taxes are still too low. A goal of mine is to keep eUSA businesses and their workers strong and I see the best way to do that is a little raise in the import tax to 5% across the board (not including diamonds of course). As a business owner and someone that only buys eUSA-made products, I see many times that if there are problems in the markets it is because of under-cutting from foreign companies. When you own a eUSA business and have to compete against other businesses from other countries that pay there employees nothing that is something that does not just hurts the businesses but that hurts all of the markets and where the trade market goes all of eUSA and eWorld fallows.
VAT right now is the real problem with taxes so I say lets lower the VAT on Food to 5% from 10% because food companies should not be treated worst the others but to be treated fairly.i also say to lower VAT on weapons,gifts and tickets from 6% to 5% because with a high VAT it not only hurts the businesses but also hurts the cost of the products as well.The biggest Tax problem is in houses they pay a VAT of 1% why do they have 1%?and at a this time Q1 house were selling at 133 usd with a VAT of 1%. I want to see a fair market so houses should have a 5% VAT tax with that VAT tax a house that sells at 133 usd the eUSA gets 7 usd to get that from a Q1 weapons company you would have to sell 44 guns to get that from Q1 food company you must sell 221 Q1 Foods and for Q1 gifts it is 102. That is some thing that can make a difference.
I know a lot of people well say it is a dog eat dog market but the dog needs a collar and that is the job of congress!
INCOME TAXESI feel are alittle high but should be left alone for now. I well not fight to change the income tax till we can find a way to make cuts to the budgets to cover the lowering of the income tax or make up the funds. Maybe a old idea might work with the governments help this time.

What old ideas do you have in mind Lord Krauser?

LOTTERY! yes my fellow eAmericans a Government Run Lottery. This can help fund cuts to taxes. The lottery has been done before by small groups, and there was a international eLottery around 2 years ago, but this can be bigger and better then ever. A great way for eUSA citizens to win gold and fund their government at the same time. It will be a 1-9 four numbers for 1 gold weekly lottery and if there is no winner the gold will rollover to next week, and so on and so on tell there is a winner and the numbers well be selected at random of course.The government well get 20% of the gold prize and this might grow in to 2 to 3 times a week and might even go international.

You said something about discounts for eUSA Soldiers Lord Krauser?

HOUSING FUND be a good way to strengthen the military and give a hand to the soldiers that do there duty for eUSA.The way it well work is a discount on houses for anybody that graduates the Training Corp and gets to the rank of Corporal which is the rank needed to gain access the quartermaster. It well be a new organization like "Meals on Wheels" it well handle the request and then well buy the house and then sell it to the solider for around 75% of the cost.The government well cover about 25% of the cost for eUSA soldiers.So to say a Q1 house cost 3 gold the eUSA solider well pay the quartermaster 2 gold and then the government well cover the other 1 gold and YES I plan to cover all house Q1 and up the prices well go by the market cost so if the solider wants a Q5 for 35 gold he well only pay about 30 gold for it.This is a great way to strengthen the eUSA military more then ever and but the are other ways to strengthen the defense of eUSA too.

What are the other ways to strength the defense Lord Krauser?

DEFENSE the homeland is a must with new and old enemies looking for a chance to attack we should strengthen the military as much as we can.Placing Defense System in key spots in the wasteland can make it more difficult for a invasion force to take control of the homeland and by forcing a enemy to spend more gold to take a state to get to a fortress state.This plan can weaken,slow,stop and counter the invasion force and well make it harder for them to get to fortress states.There are the players that sign up and then quit or just stay in a state tell they can move to a fortress state so lets use them like bricks in a wall to defend the fortress states.We should use those wastelanders that well be alive for weeks there has been wars that were quicker then that.What we have is a resources that can be used to weaken,slow,stop and give use time to counter the enemy invasion force so I say lets use the wastelanders to defend eUSA from future invasions.

Specking of the future Lord Krauser what do you think?

FUTURE in a balancing act right now.The future is both bright and very dark on one hand V2 looks great but on the other hand there are problems that can make a monk curse at GOD.System 0101 said it best in he's paper "Confessions of an erepublik addict" he pointed out a massive amount of the problems and if you have not read PLEASE it take some time after you read this of course to read it.But alot of those are things that are out of our hands but what is in our hands is to do what we can as eUSA citizens to try and make this eCountry the best in the eWorld and to try to open the doors for anybody that has a different idea that might make us better.To debate with respect on new and old ideas that well help us get stronger not just degraded any one that has a different idea from yourself.We must listen to the older players because the been doing this alot longer and know tons more then must of us but we must give any noob a voice as well.We must try a new idea to keep the newer players in the game.We must ask them "What do you think?"or "You got any ideas that can help?" and not just attack everybody has the guts to talk about a new idea that is why I ask you all why do you play this game?I play because I love business, politics and strategy in RL and this is a great game for that another part to game that is great is that you have to work and deal with others to see any goals done and that is what I want to do.I want to work with any and all eUSA citizens that want see eUSA become STRONGER and BETTER then EVER BEFORE and it that is up to YOU my fellow eAmericans to let me do so.

Ok but after all that why should I vote for you Lord Krauser?

I am LK and can not promise you that all of he's goals that are set forth well come true.LK can not promise that he well not make mistakes but there is a few promises that LK can give my friends!I PROMISE YOU as a citizen of eUSA that I well listen to both sides of the debate that I well do what I see as best for eUSA and it's citizens.I well work as much as I can and as hard as I can to make this great eCountry this eUSA of YOURS and MINE better this I PROMISE YOU!



A MUST READ SYSTEM 0101'S Confessions of an eRepublik Addict