Vote Libertarian in Oklahoma!

Day 853, 01:17 Published in USA USA by ghinculov

Below we have a message from our Senior Editor, ghinculov, who is running for Congress in Oklahoma:

First let's get over with the credentials: I've always fought for the US and the well-being of their citizens. I have always fought for lower taxes and the expansion of the infrastructure, which are a real problem today. Oh, and militarily: I'm a general, member of the Home Guard, I fight daily at my full potential and my weapon company, Maine Armory, is selling always at the lowest price on the market.

And now, the platform:

1. Expansion of the infrastructure. Although we seem to be winning today in wars we have a major problem: besides Florida and California our infrastructure was wiped out. I don't think the rebiulding of the country can wait because our enemies don't have this issue. After all, the lack of hospitals and the unwillingness of citizens to relocate at the will of Washington was one of the reasons our United States almost fell to PEACE.

2. Lower taxes. Tax relief will be the start of an economic boom. Unfortunately the US has some of highest taxes, all other major countries have lower ones. Today this high taxes are used for sponsoring the military and I don't support an imediate lowering, but after all the US was liberated and I see no excuse that can be used anymore. First of all the income tax must be lowered because it hampers the efforts of the population to gain a capital, to fight better, to gain higher wellness. (This argument can be expanded but I'm trying to be brief.)

3. Fiscal responsability. The Goverment is gathering money from taxes and bonds. What are they doing with it? Well, the politicians again use the argument of war to keep the response shadowy. Every penny should be accounted for to the taxpayer. A timely report should be put toghether and published. I looked around and found very easily a dubious donation to a UK citizen from our military. What will we find if we look deeper?

As you can see my platform is based on the pursuit of happiness by everyone. What is happiness in eRepublik? I think that higher experience and higher rating in general, so more money for you, my voter, do work at that. Second, my platform is about free will: every state having a proper infrastructure you'll be able to live where you want, not where the government wants you to.

So, vote for ghinculov on the Libertarian ticket!