Vote is Tommorrow

Day 1,729, 15:09 Published in Denmark Sweden by carlos

I received a concerning message today, erepublik rules do not allow me to dictate it here for you but it was not kind towards another candidate. This is not in the spirit of fair play in terms of elections. A little tongue in cheek humour is fine and helps towards the character of the game, however when false rumors are spread about another player for the purposes of winning an election, this can not stand and indeed reflects poorly on the one spreading the rumor rather than the one the rumor is about. Therefore i will be casting my vote for Hr. Bubbi in tomorrows election, not just because he is an experienced and very able candidate, but because i will cast a vote for strength of character over cruel politicking any day. I hope my fellow voters will join me.
Former Country president.
Minister of Defense
Congress member