Vote HrBjorn!

Day 1,173, 03:29 Published in Sweden Bulgaria by HrBjorn

This is a short article, because it's a short statement. HrBjorn knows, long sentences and awesome words are cool. But right now. It will be short sentences with awesome words. Awesome words like HrBjorn, Norsefire and Kingdom.

Why should I vote for HrBjorn, HrBjorn?

You should because Valnad already have won. Just look at it. He got like, 100+ votes. What you should be concerned about is this: it is almost neck and neck for the second place, and you don't want a communist to become president if Valnad goes crazy.
It is much safer to have HrBjorn as the second option, because he's not a communist. Just look at what happened last time. Radsoc totally messed it all up.
HrBjorn never have, neither will, mess anything up. He will just awesomize it a bit. Make it into something better, a little more Norsefirish.

So, on behalf of Norsefire, HrBjorn urges you to vote for HrBjorn. Just for safety, and stuff.