Vote Greyhunter, Our Hero

Day 835, 19:24 Published in South Africa South Africa by SAGP Communications Department


There is no need to say much really: Greyhunter has proven what a loyal, hard-working, and capable candidate he is in these past few terms.

As Minister of Defence for a term and a half, he has proven how well equipped he is for the task of securing the safety and future of our eCountry. His ties with leaders in our alliances have strengthened, making him an invaluable instrument in our military efforts

Greyhunter has also demonstrated his great affection for the people of this country as Minister of Social Affairs prior to his appointment as MoD. I was but one of the many who he helped, and now look up to him with utmost respect. He is a great, friendly fellow. If you don't know this, then you really should get to know him!

We will need him again in the coming term, to ensure that eSouth Africa will prosper in both in military and social efforts. What better position to serve his country now, than president!

The South African Gold Party is proud to have Greyhunter as candidate in these elections, we really could not have asked for better! I hope the entire eSouth Africa will be just as proud of this great candidate!

Please read his presentation, and consider your vote carefully today!

VOTE GREYHUNTER TODAY" title="Vote Greyhunter Today!">