Vote For Sasha KammakitzJen For Second Term In Congress

Day 1,552, 13:07 Published in Canada Canada by Sasha KammakitzJen

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MDP Congress Sign-ups: here
MDP Blocker Sign-ups:here
Non MDP congress sign-ups: here

This Month I am running for my second consecutive term in congress. I ask voters to vote for me and other MDP congress candidates in thier region.

This current congressional term was my first ever, and I learned quicky on how to be a congressman. I honestly admit I did not debate on all issues, but I voted on them all with imformed intentions since I first voted near the start of my term. Now throughout my term I have found myself debating on all new issues brought up, the way a congress member should be.

eCanada needs MDP congress members always. We are the congressmen who propose and run the most used national programs used by both MUs and individuals. Examples are the mentor program that Homer J Simpson brilliantly continues to run after starting it, and the newly passed MU Building Act that I called UC on and convinced non-MDP congressmen to agree with it with one post consisting of less than this paragraph you're reading right now. The MDP plans to advance current and introduce new national programs for the MUs and citizens of eCanada. No pointless debates that won't effect the ordinary eCanadian.

I myself have always been honest with all that I've told, if what I've written here is not enough to show convince you for your vote, then i ask what is? Please vote MDP into congress on Febuary 25th for the continual advancement of eCanada, its MUs and its Citizens... you, me and the community we belong to.

Vote for Effective, Efficient, Engaged government. Vote MDP.

In-game party link this image yo: