Vote for Me, Please

Day 1,274, 17:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by

Hello Fellow Citizens of eIreland,

I was bored today so I thought it would be fun to write another article. This one was announcing my candidacy for Dail. I will be running in Mayo.

Why Should You Vote For Me:
-To be honest I haven't been in eRep for awhile and this is my first political campaign. So, no, I don't have experience in Dail, but you can count on me to listen to the people.

-My Viewpoints- I believe that war should always be a plan B. Though, we must always be ready for it, we must always try to seek out peaceful measures. I know that as a member of Dail I wont really have a say in foreign affair besides NE and MPP proposals. If there is a serious law on the table I can assure you that I will alway think before I decide. I will consider both sides of the argument and pick what I feel is the best step towards a better living environment in eIreland.

-The eUK-eIreland War- I feel that this war couldn't have been avoided, but it could have put off and better planned. Though, I feel that peace should always come first, but in this situation I feel that diplomacy would be very hard to come by. We must stick to our allies who seem to be very dedicated to our cause.

Vote For Me and I'll Give You Some Toast