Vote for Jimbobfrey! Free Giveaway!

Day 2,212, 12:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbobfrey

Why hai there! I stated on my manifesto that I would like to have a couple of free giveaways for PCP members. To show you how that works, I am starting one right now… a smaller one, that is. You need to vote Jimbobfrey for PP to get a full-scale giveaway!

Just comment below asking for food (PCP members only!) and you shall receive:

500 energy worth of food

If you are reading this but are not from the PCP, have you ever considered joining? You can see more about us by clicking here. eCommunism isn’t exactly the same as RL communism! It’s better, in my opinion!

Please vote Jimbobfrey for PP for more generous free giveaways and also much much more!