Vote for freedom!

Day 529, 22:38 Published in South Africa Brazil by South African Party

With all the excitement of Resistance Wars, War declarations and South Africa finally entering a few phase of its resistance against the occupation and oppression of our ancestral lands, our next presidential elections have silently crept up on us.

The South African Party has conferred purposefully about its approach to, and support of candidatures during this campaign. It has been decided, and the SAP Gazette is happy to announce, the endorsement of Gabriel Borien, for the next president of South Africa. Due to unfortunate game mechanics, the SAP is not able to support Gabriel on the ballot paper. Please take note and remember that we do support Gabriel's candidacy in spirit and practise!

South Africans, the present administration has served us well and have started us on the path to liberation. This course of action needs to be continued and completed. Vote for a candidate who has proven himself in battle, in managing state ministries and as having a genuine passion for the wellbeing of our country's citizens.

Let us arrive at the voting stations in droves come Tuesday, and show the world that we are as passionate about our democracy as we are about defending our nation!