Vote for cCc Jose Siker cCc For US Congress of Virginia! *INCI* Eng

Day 1,218, 08:42 Published in USA Albania by Its Jose

Well I am Its Jose aka Vito and I am running for congress under INCI ballot in Virginia, which is where I live now and was also born here. I think I would be a great congressman for many reasons. Mainly because I have been a congress man 6 times in foreign countries, which were India and Israel. This was when the US stood close by us when we needed help. But right after India stopped them from renting out Jharkhand [SP?] they kinda just dipped..

I plan to make a few small changes in this countries. You see as a internet congressman... theres not all that much you can change for US without getting many other congressman to join you. Hopefully INCI will have a few more people run and get accepted. But I want to try and work with every day citizens on how they think we can better improve this country. Whether it be how to get better understanding with my panpas and I or trying to figure out how to stop the over saturation of the market which will not be easy.

Well It seems like many of us are leaving here to go back to Turkey to fight the Greeks. I am sorry to say I cant go, well at least for now. I own to much over here to let it go to waste. Maybe after I sell everything I will eventually move over there. But as long as the majority are still here, I want to help them more integrate into society in anyway possible. If any INCI member translate their article into english and its not all grammatically correct, message me and Ill fix it for you!

So Vote for me Its Jose in two days for INCI Congressman of Virginia,my real life hometown!