Vote for a PCP candidate in the South East at xMas...

Day 763, 02:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Damian Jacob Tamir Jager

The two candidates for the South-East of England are certainly exceptional ones this year.

As former congressman for the South East (x2) I for one can safelty say that Bowen199 and Rob Reid are the best people I could have hoped to be my succesors.


His sheer computer genius and determination places him in a prime position to become a great representitive of the people of the South East. The man of the people - Bowen199

Rob Reid

Rob is a great Marxist, Communist and Libertarian/Anarchist and belives, as the PCP do, that these views will one day create Utopian society. He also will be a great representitive of the glorious people of the South East. The man of the people - Rob Reid

So on Christmas Day vote for a PCP candidate in the South East...