Vote Finbar Azulos for North Carolina

Day 366, 23:12 Published in USA USA by Finbar Azulos

I'd like to ask the citizens of North Carolina to consider me for their Senator in the upcoming election. My first place in eUSA was NC, and I've been here ever since. I've only left to promote freedom by supporting the Australian freedom fighters against Indonesia.

So what are my qualifications?

I am active within the world. I check in several times a day. If you have a concern, I'll be there to answer you. My job will be to represent you, the people of North Carolina. I want to hear your concerns and your needs and take those to Congress. When you're hurting, I'll be there to give you a hand.

I am extremely active within IRC. I keep in touch with the events of the day. I won't be a Congressman who never reads the forums, nor has never set foot within IRC. By staying informed I will be able to better serve the eAmerican people.

I have also done much to bring in new citizens. Most importantly 3 wimminz. If elected I will strive to bring even more wimminz to this great country.

In short, why should you vote for me?

I am:
1. Attentive.
2. Active.
3. Bringer of Wimminz.

For those that want to hear about issues, here a quick run through.

Taxes: I believe we should keep them low while still funding the government. I thing President Benn Dover has been doing a great job in pushing new tax codes currently.

RAWR: I believe that nations should be free. I support actions to defend ourselves and allies. We also should be prepared to give freedom to those nations that are being oppressed.

Market: I believe the market will eventually fix itself. It won't be a quick process, but I don't believe the government should intervene except in extreme circumstances.