Vote Eneibari...

Day 734, 21:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Aelar Vardamir Anari Eneibari

Aelar Eneibari.

I am Aelar Vardamir Anari Eneibari, proud member of the FDP, and I still want your vote for MP for London!

Last month, you re-elected me as your MP. I have continued to serve you both in the House of Commons and with constituency services here.

News from Westminster

The Government decided to raise Income taxes across the board (but cut the Value Added Tax). Income Taxes were raised to 50% for the Wood, Oil, Diamonds, and Iron industries. This was recognized by Commons as likely to have a detrimental effect on the Ministry for Work's land skill companies (which were in oil and wood), but we passed the measure in order to dissuade businessmen from operating in markets where they cannot compete as we do not have High regions for those resources. Surprisingly enough, the Ministry for Work didn't adjust until much later, leaving many new players with a fifty pence per day paycheck. All other taxes were raised from 10% to 15%, taking money straight out of your pockets. I opposed this, but was outvoted.

Parliament also authorized a lottery. I don't hold a strong opinion on this matter, and would love to hear from citizens of London what your thoughts are, and whether you'd like me to move to repeal it, expand it, or do nothing.

News from the Admiralty

Earlier today, Sweden invaded our Danish possession of Nordjylland (or as we have nicknamed it, North Jelly Land). With the force deployed against us, we may not win. We should all fight for our King and Country nevertheless.


Please vote for me on the 25th by clicking the UKRP logo, and then clicking my Avatar.