Day 1,646, 06:52 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Send love to Plato

Firstly i would like to thank you for taking the time to read this, secondly i ask you for your help in the forthcoming congress elections on may 25th 2012.
I shall be standing in the North East of England and that might mean some of you having to pay a travel cost, i will be more than willing to refund you for your troubles.

The days of the Empire are over and we are a country eyed up by many countries as a gateway to our allies or a nice little island to occupy. We have an important role to play for our ONE allies and i believe that will come from diplomacy over the negotiation table rather than on the battle field. The Leader of Canada has made much positive noise about peace with us and i think now is the time to enter into talks regarding ending this back and forth fruitless war. I believe the time has come to offer the olive branch to the beloved French as well (that felt dirty typing that) and see where those possible talks takes us.

Nobody has shown as much stiff upper lip as us British whilst being occupied by numerous countries. This resolve is what defines us and i feel that we have a much larger part to play in the future than we do at this moment. I want to be part of that. I want to see the UK develop and grow and find her footing on the eRepublik ladder on a higher rung.

With Dr Hugh Jardon you will have a dedicated member of congress, a member who will listen and keep you updated as much as possible, afterall communication is vital in eRepublik.

Thank you for your vote and thank you for your time.