Day 943, 09:37 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by DAP Fund


Fellow citizens,

We would like to invite to you to join one of eMalaysia’s oldest and largest political parties. For many generations we have worked towards making eMalaysia a more democratic and more prosperous place, open to all peaceful people regardless of background.
Other than our large membership and illustrious history, here three main reasons why D.P.P. should be your party of choice:

In the party: DPP favours promoting freedom of speech and diversity of ideas. Whether in the media or the forums, as a DPP member, you are free to express you views freely, no matter what level you are. We believe that free and open communication is the best way to preserve unity, not suppression of those differences.
On the national level:
It is our belief that many of the problems of eMalaysia can be solved by defending and improving our democratic institutions. In light of recent allegations of government corruption (under President Suzhaimiz) and the Zombie virus of player inactivity, our members have been struggling to revive the forum and media channels, as well as push for reforms in government and Congress.

(How do we avoid this from happening to our nation??)
Power to the People: Where would a party be without people? In our ranks you will find many of the most experienced and interesting citizens, ranging from leading politicians to experts in business and military affairs. Here you will be rubbing shoulders with former presidents (Nagyzee) and even the current beloved President CDV himself. You will get to discuss international and military affairs with a former Chairman of the SOL Alliance (Nicholas2000), a former leader of SOLdiers (Liquid Oxygen), and a leader of PASKAU (Dr. Straatman). But not all our members are establishment figures. On the other side of the room, you might find quite a few of the more vocal opponents of the government, and even a few radical eccentrics. Our tolerance for different views is reflected in the fact that both the top members of government as well as its leading critics share membership in the same party. As part of our ATO efforts, many of our leading members such as CDV, Mansour and Nicholas2000 have gone on to start new branches such as PAFP or the Hypnotoad Party. But despite the apparent differences in name we are united in our cause.
Concern for the People: Its not all just about politics in D.P.P. We might be champions of free economy, but that doesn’t mean we do not have strong commitments to social justice and welfare. Our last Party President has just set up a Citizen’s Welfare Committee aimd at tackling with the problems of mass unemployment and low health among our young, and our current Party President is now reviving the old newbie mentoring program.

We try to think of the word ‘party’ in our name having more than one meaning. At the end of the day, all work and no fun make politics a dull affair.
There are two major aspects to our ‘fun strategy’.
The first is what we have already discussed earlier, our tolerance of diversity and freedom of expression. We believe that by promoting these two things, and not suppressing differences in the name of false unity, we can get the best out of our members.
The second is our championing of the Forums. It is no secret that we are the party of the Forums. We believe that together with the media, they are the best way to make eRepublik more than just a two-clicking experience. Without the forum in Ancient Greece, there would have been no Socrates. Without Socrates there would have been no Plato and Aristotle, and no concepts of Democracy or Republik. Without those concepts, there would be no eRepublik. Nuff said.

(If Socrates lived today, there is a high chance he would have been a DPP member)

There for if you believe in fighting for Democratic principles, a true man or woman of the People, and like to Party, you belong with us.
If you are creative, bursting with ideas and want to contribute to a better eMalaysia, sign up today and become a D.P.P party member!