Vote Calew in Free State

Day 763, 04:35 Published in South Africa South Africa by Calew

First off, excuse me for the wall of text. Here’s a summary if you don’t want to read the whole text.
I am:
-Played for 11 months
-Captain of PG
-Former Pvt. of eUS Airborne
Vote Calew b/c:
-Good policies
-Low taxes
-Against government controlling the market
-Still, some regulation can be necessary
-Strong military
-To help allies and gain respect
-Not to take on Brazil and Indonesia
Foreign affairs:
-Need the security, independence and war games

I’m Calew, and hereby I’m announcing my candidacy for congress in Limpopo/Free State/Eastern Cape. I’m representing South African Gold Party because their policies are very similar to my. So if you like what SAGP has done for our country so far, I am your candidate. I arrived in eSouth Africa one month ago and have since then done what I can to get involved and let people know what I stand for. I’ve followed media, been on IRC and have already advanced to captain in the Pretorian Guard. Before I came to eSA I was a member of the eUS Airborne where I served for 3 months, during WWIII, and I put a lot of my time into economics.

Why should you vote for me?
Well, most important is that you agree with my policies, which are delivered further down in this article. But I also think it’s important that you can trust me to know what to do. I believe that I am one of the 30 most qualified candidates for a couple of reasons, and should therefore be one of the 30 congressmen.
-Experience – it’s not always necessary, I’ve seen lots of new players become great congressmen after just a couple months of playing the game. However, I think experience will help. I’ve played this game since the 5th of February, which is almost 11 months ago. So I know my way around the game and I’ve been around to experience successful and unsuccessful governments.
-Dedication – in politics, as in anything in this game, dedication is needed to succeed. A congressman must get involved in all issues a country faces and decide what they think is the best for the country. This takes a lot of extra time and dedication to make sure you make the right decision in every vote. So far in my eLife I’ve concentrated on military and economics, in which fields I think I’ve succeeded due to my dedication. I think that I can do the same within politics.

Economic stance
I believe in the low income taxes and VAT we have right now. Our government only has so many expenses. There’s the military, MPPs and funding for our department. And with the current taxes we do cover that. Also, low income taxes encourage workers to move to eSA and low VAT encourages our citizens to buy the products our companies offer. This will get keep our economy rolling, bringing in more revenues to our government and general managers.
Import tax is different. They should be used to block foreign companies in sectors where we are self-sufficient and invite sellers where we need more products. For example we have high-productive diamond companies, so the import tax should be high. But for the rest of the raw material need a low import tax since we do not have any other high-productivity region. And for the other sectors the import tax should be set in perspective to how much we produce and how much we consume, to find a good balance.
I’m against government run companies influencing the market. We need weapon companies for our military, but the salary shouldn’t be competing with the rest of the market and the weapons shouldn’t be sold on the market. The military is handling this great right now by only using the weapons as hand-out to our soldiers in eSAAF.
I think the government should be regulating the monetary market, without controlling it. We don’t want the value of the ZAR to rise or fall too quickly. Still, the government shouldn’t hold the ZAR at a set value. Instead we should regulate the market to make sure changes happen slowly.

Military stance
I believe in a strong military. Not to singlehandedly push our enemies out of our soil, but to show the world and our allies that eSA is a military power to be counted on. We are members of SOL and we should do all we can to help our allies in the best way we can in their time of need. We will not be able to win against Indonesia or Brazil, not now, and probably not in a very long time. But to prove our loyalty and capacity to our allies we must use our fully potential in every war where our allies are in danger. We will regain the respect we lost when Brazil invaded Australia and hopefully they will repay the favour if we would be caught in the same situation. I will always vote yes to reasonable funding to the military.

Foreign policy
I’m very happy with our membership in SOL. Joining EDEN or PHOENIX would give us more security, but our independence would probably be reduced. I can not confirm this, but it’s pretty logical that our voice would only be as loud as the size of our military. In SOL on the other hand we are an equal to all the other members. SOL also arranges war games, which are vital for our economy and our military development. So SOL provides us with security, independency and war games. I therefore see SOL as the preferable alliance. I will vote against leaving SOL until the day we don’t have any other choice.

Thanks for taking the time to read.
Your vote counts – vote for Calew in Free State.