Vote Aussie Bloke For Congress [VIC]

Day 766, 10:29 Published in Australia Australia by Aussie Blokee

The australian icon i look up to, Danny Green.

Vote Aussie Bloke Senator of Victoria

eAustralia, it is my wonderful pleasure to announce that i have decided to run for Senate in the upcoming elections.

Now, who am I? i hear you ask.

Well, thats a good question.

I am a fairly new citizen, having started playing just over a month / i was banned for reason that i will not say but it was wrong, now.

In that time, i have made a lot of friends here in this game.

I have served in AAR and i am a proud Commander of the LIMA Squad, and was involved in Serveral wars against eindonesia , and have participated in just about every one of the Australian wargames . I also fought a long side of many brave soliders in the WA war and now the NT war.

I am also frequently on the Australian IRC Channel, and some of you may know me from here.

I am very keen to represent eAustralia in our parliament, and vow to give 100% commitment to this representation.

I may not be the most experienced of players (yet) but i feel that what i may not have in experience, i make up for with enthusiasm. I am in the greatest party in eAustralia and thats PD. I also tryed to get into the senate last term and missed out by a vote. I am also a intern to the MOFAs. I also am the general manager of the org AusEaid.

Also, i vow that i will do my utmost to do what i feel is best for the country, and will very carefully weigh up both arguments before making my decision.

Thankyou for your time, eAustralia.
Vote Aussie Bloke.