Vote Artorius Perim for British Columbia Congress!

Day 733, 11:58 Published in Canada Canada by ArtyP

Hello there fellow citizens of the British Columbia, I am Artorius Perim and I intend to win your vote for British Columbia Congress!

Here’s a little history about myself; I am currently the Minister of Health (3 consecutive terms), DAL Charity Director, Meals On Wheels Canada Head Director, former congressman of British Columbia and former DAL Party Presidency Candidate. I was born into the New World in about August and I instantly became attached to the DAL. Today, I am here to tell YOU why I am the best qualified citizen to run for congress and benefit YOU.

Canadian Healthcare

As you all now, the CHS (Canadian Health Services) have been doing a superb job in helping out from young to very well experienced players gain in health, not only, the Meals On Wheels Canada program has educated many young players and has fed them.
I want to take this to another level by introducing Healthcare raffles, and fundraisers. We would sell tickets to raffle off a certain prize, and the profited money either goes towards Meals On Wheels Canada program, to our CAF members and a lot goes towards young players who are suffering and just need a hand. Prizes would include Houses, Gun Packages, Moving Tickets, and all sorts of things! Tickets would also range from anywhere between $2CAD - $15CAD.

Your Voice

As a BC congressman, I will be taking ANY, and I mean ANY Personal Messages to me, regarding government transparency or any request that you would like to see happen. Your opinion is what matters in this nation, so lets make it happen. I am of course, open to anything! These requests could be anything from what the government is planning, what wars will be heading to, training wars, tax reductions/increases.

There is not a lot I want to make happen in congress, although I believe even if everything is perfect as it is set, there is always room for expansion and reform. I am a very well experienced player, going for a second term as a BC Congressman.

☼Vote for Artorius Perim!

☼Vote for the Future of eCanada!

☼eCanada will be VICTORIUS with ARTORIUS!

☼(P.S. send Artorius your address, and he’ll mail you a free cookie!)">