Vote and Organise! [IMP!]

Day 551, 02:39 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by ShowTEK

RO / MZ : Cand vine vorba de organizare, Romania sigur stie cum sa se organizeze asa ca eu vin in ajutorul acestui articol si rog sa-l ajutati si voi!
Votati articolul urmator :

EN : When it comes to organise, Romanians shure know how to organise so as i come to help this article, you should help it as well!
VOTE , VOTE , VOTE the following article :

RO / MZ : Si desigur nu uitati sa si luptati in regiunea NE-India pe VERDE!
EN : And of cource don't forget to fight in the NE-India region on GREEN!

Thank You!
The latest, WorD-NewS
