Vote 4 the BEST PRESIDENT EVER! Omg IR Weasle/Awesome Part 2 The Remake prequel.

Day 493, 20:21 Published in USA Greece by Weasle

THIS APRIL you can take control of your country! You can vote for your FUTURE. Yay future! Unless it sucks.

You COULD vote for countless qualified candidates, who actually know what there doing, and have a chance at success, but that would be LAME. It's time for CHANGE. YAY change! Obama.

So, here's a few reasons why you should NOT go with the flow, like a lame lozer, on drugs or something, i don't know, maybe a sex addict?

1. VOTE WEASLE because YOU KNOW I can't be trusted. Think about that for a while, and contact me when it BLOWS YOUR FREAKIN' BRAIN!
2. Vote Weasle because I have never been in congress. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PRESIDENT>
3. Voe Weasle because your awesome, like a possum, but with some jesus juice, and maybe a little sexy.
4. Vote Weasle because he lives in California, and everybody is kickbutt there, Look at the GOVERNATOR.
5. Vote Weasle, because the force of his words have been known to carry more power and weight than one CHUCK NORRIS kick.
6. Vote Weasle because your mom still owes me 5 bucks from last night, and you need to make up her debt somehow... DAMN recession.
7. Vote Weasle because otherwise, YOU WILL FAIL THE JEDI ORDER!
8. Vote Weasle because your lazy, deaf, play football, have blond hair, blue eyes, or in some other way relate to me, in some way, maybe.
9. Vote Weasle, because I'm not Obama. I'm not even human. I'm an immortal being raised in the center of the earth where the force of the gravity has made our species into what you humans would call a "Superman"
10. Vote Weasle, because i talk to jesus. Maybe.

*Produced by the Meghan and Basil incorporation in the state of Califonia where we hired a ton of lawyers to read over this article to check if I needed to be sued, and it turns out I most definitatly will, which depending on your view point is either really good, or really bad. Plus I eat babies. MMM MMM good.*