Volčja jama je prepolna - The wolf den is over filled

Day 1,179, 03:18 Published in Serbia Serbia by volchji malchek

Volčja jama se je tekom dni napolnila z jelenjim in srninim mesom.

zato podarjam hrano vsem naslednjim, ki izpolnijo naslednje pogoje:
- napišejo "slava" ali "volk" v komentarje
- so oz./ali se čutijo slovane, državljanstvo morajo imeti v naslednjih državah -> slo,srb,rus,svk,cz,pl,ua,fyrom,belarus,bg.

The wolf den has been filled with deer meat over these past few days.

therefore i donate food to all that accord to the following criteria:
- write "slava" ali "volk" in commentaries bellow
- are or/and feel that they are slavic, they must have citizenship in the following countries -> slo,srb,rus,svk,cz,pl,ua,fyrom,belarus,bg.

*Volčji pozdrav*