Day 927, 22:33 Published in Australia Indonesia by Sunardi

hello eAustralia, how r u doing? some of ur citizens would say u r fine, but i can see u r dying. u r already PTOed, not by us eIndonesians. u know whom i talk about, its the so called 'OLD GUARDS'. look at what they have done to u. even 2 high diamond regions cant help u, ur economy is as good as dead. AUD is way too weak compared to other currencies. prices went high, ppl reluctant to work here because cost of life is expensive. that result in workers shortage n wage raises. these conditions is not good for both citizens n investors. but what have ur eGovernment do? NOTHING, BIG ZERO. u ppl paid taxes but they never return it to u, where has it gone?
check out reserve bank of australia. wow, thats lots of money. they used it only for war purpose, to support either EDEN in past or Brolliance nowadays. but they never use it for the ppl, why u may ask? coz they dnt care with u, majority ppl of eAustralia. they only care about themselves, their pocket n their alliance. sounds unbelieveable but its fact, they have done nothing for eAustralia. i repeat, NOTHING!!! if they really care, they would do their best to solve economy problem n create a babyboom. but there is no such things so far.
u want these kind of ppl lead u? they will bring destruction to eAustralia, they will keep sucking ur hard paid money to fill their own pocket. Reserve Bank of Australia never belongs to eAustralians but it belongs to 'OLD GUARDS', lets just call it Reserve Bank for ELDERS.
come on young ones, its time for u to get rid of these almost-dead ppl. eAustralia needs young ppl with bright thinking, fresh ideas, new spirit n the will to break all boundaries. r u one of them? then ur time has come, stop 'OLD GUARDS' domination, stop EDEN/Bros PTO. its time for a new eAustralia to arise from darkness. lets return eAustralia on the right path, VOTE FOR SANDYGEE