Vinerea asta: intalnire eRepublik... eRepublik meeting! [RO/EN]

Day 491, 08:58 Published in Romania Romania by Bogdan Adamutz

E stabilit,
Vineri 27 Mar 2009, orele 18:30, ne vom intalni in Bucuresti in Cinnamon (Str. Amzei, nr 10).

Detalii despre bar aveti in link-urile de mai jos:

Pentru luna viitoare astept propuneri de locatii. 😉


Friday, 27 March 2009, the community from Bucharest will get together at their monthly meeting. It will be held at Cinnamon, a very nice bar from Bucharest, that is reserved only for us.

The meeting has a very special guest from Spain: Zhuge Liang

The list:
0. Cristi Badea
1. Bogdan Adamutz
2. gR3Ed
3. Han solo
4. Sunsetter
5. Groovey
6. malika ela
7. MoonlightShadow
8. SinCity
9. FaneSpoitoru
10. ElTorque
11. DeathAngel33
13. butnaru
14. WhiteRose
15. Rootz (probabil)
16. Andrew McWilliams
17. NOSHADEZS (probabil)
18. Tudor Iliescu (probabil)
19. Ival
20. Zhuge Liang
21. Bula Ostrovick
22. Onu Marius
23. George Lemnaru
24. belea
25. Valahu (probabil)
26. BoboYheMighty
27. beepbeep
28. MrBrigtside
29. Green Sidhe
30. Fram (probabil)
31. minina (probabil)
32. Mesther (probabil)
33. ResIDenT (probabil)
34. Jetall
35. Don-Zeratul
36. Dolha
37. FrankieX (probabil)
38. ByteRipper
39. AdolfH
40. Petrica Somalezu
41. adi.furk
42. Abab (probabil)
43. Iluvatar
44. Claudiu Ghebaru
45. DarkSight
46. Belea2008
47. druden.balie
48. shmeu
49. elviz3k
50. Xtasia
51. cetateanu13
52. piratul (probabil)
53. the_mihai (probabil)