Day 1,511, 08:18 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors


Greetings and Salutations, Friends:

So I got alot of feedback on my last article about running for Party President of the Libertarian Party and creating the US Marijuana Party out of its ashes. So much, that a troll who has done NOTHING for the party has decided to run against me in order to preserve what is left of the Libertarians.

Thank you Iasov... Aren't you the lifelong Emperor of the Libs?

But most Libs, like the man who brought them back once before; knows that the Libertarians have run its course and it is time to move on. Why continue to subject the members to the inactivity when something fresh and new is waiting. Some say it is because the new party will destroy the history of the storied Lib Party, but I say to those people that they should be more concerned about their party.

A good number of people have come to me saying that their party is dead. Successful, yes... but dead, nonetheless. No activity in the forums... no activity in the Party Chat... just no activity.

Party activity = fun and party activity had slipped in all parties, generally speaking, of course. I seek to change that with the US Marijuana Party. I am working already with a good core of people who are known for bringing activity to the game, forums, and chat rooms. We plan to have activity that rivals that of the days prior to eRepublik: Rising, when parties were social clubs that had fun. We want to erase the days of joining a party only means a chance to run for Congress; we want the bring forth the Age of Aquarius and the Summer of Love - all rolled into one nice package that we call the USMJ Party.

We already have the metagame community set-up, with both a forum and a chatroom ready. People are asking how to join and people are being placed. This will happen, so come on and join in on the fun.

Does this sound like a place you are interested in? Of course it does, who doesn't like fun? Isn't that why we play this game?

Join our forums at Visit our chatroom on Rizon #USMJ ( On party president election day, the fifteenth; make sure you vote for me for PP in the Libertarian Party.

We are creating a place where it is fun to chill and learn while playing. We will run people for Congress and help our members succeed. Everyone deserves a choice; everyone is important; everyone should be respected.

Jude Connors
eRepublik's Favorite Hippie

Click to visit my Facebook page.

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