victory is close

Day 654, 12:54 Published in Denmark Denmark by alfred temple

the following was a discussion on the forums about our current currency issue

Grev Per said the following:

"I mean if eDeO really is the economic force it claims to be. Surely your large business conglomerate can aid in our currency issue. 😛"

And zeb replie😛

"I'll check it out. However since we recently upgraded a number of companies we are not having a a whole lot of cash available.

Edit: Just checked we have 15 DKK and 0 gold in the org, and only enough in the companies to pay wages. This is coming at a bad time :/"

this proves the socialist/communist economic conglomerate eDeo is on the verge of collapse and their monoply on life here in denmark will soon come to an end with a little help from you all who really love eDenmark. AND if you vote for skinke it will only hurry the deterioration and edventual destruction of eDeo.

One final thing, there is proof that eDeo is communist because they are supported in the elections by none other than DKP, yes denmarks communist party.